Wallace & Gromit's History Destroyed In Fire
mark · 10/10/05 11:39AMMonday Morning Box Office: "Wallace and Gromit" Signals End Of Live Action
mark · 10/10/05 10:42AMThe Projectionist: Wallace & Gromit Reclaim Art Form From Horny Graverobbers
mark · 10/07/05 03:06PMMovie Execs Admit They're Making Crap, Part II: The New Quality Initiative
mark · 10/03/05 12:44PM
Saturday's LAT provided us with another opportunity to play our favorite parlor game, Journalists Making Studio Executives Admit That Their Summer Movies Were Shitty. This latest round of insincere sackcloth-and-ashes fun stars Sony's Amy Pascal and Brian Grazer of Imagine, who do their part to promise the ticket-buying public through gritted teeth that this time, they really, really mean it when they say they're going to rededicate themselves to quality:
Monday Morning Box Office: There's Something About Jodie
mark · 10/03/05 10:28AMThe Projectionist: Serenity Lacks Herpes, Samurai
mark · 09/30/05 03:29PMMonday Morning Box Office: Score! Flightplan Gets Its Mile High Wings
Seth Abramovitch · 09/26/05 12:04PM
Excuse me for a moment while I retrieve my lower jaw off the floor those "bone-chillingly accurate predictions" I intrepidly pulled out of my ass on Friday ended up being pretty darned close! Forget 'blogger.' I'm now calling myself 'entertainment consultant.' For $450 an hour I'll tell you what Staind song to run over your closing credits.
The Projectionist: Maybe A Snake Ate Her Daughter
Seth Abramovitch · 09/23/05 04:49PM
This will go down as the season a trio of gigantic bitches with names out of a Russ Meyer movie kill, killed the box-office: first Katrina, then Emmy, and now Rita. And don't forget our other local disasters: the blackout (I call that one "Tara Reid") and that citywide swampy poo smell (also, "Tara Reid"). But if we were to stay away from the megaplexes this weekend, the hurricanes and second-string awards shows would win! Get out there and fulfill the destiny of my Nostradamic, bone-chillingly accurate predictions:
Monday Morning Box Office: Heaven Isn't Too Far Away
mark · 09/19/05 10:26AMThe Projectionist: When Harry Met Casper
mark · 09/16/05 03:21PMMonday Morning Box Office: The Devil's Surprise
mark · 09/12/05 10:06AMThe Projectionist: Possessed By The Demons Of Indifference
mark · 09/09/05 03:02PM
Welcome to the first weekend of the Fall movie season, that post-Labor Day cinematic Siberia, when studios hope for little more than moviegoers not actively picketing the theaters showing the crap they've pooped out into the world. Fight off your ambivalence and attend the talkies in exactly these numbers:
Tuesday Morning Box Office: "Transporter 2" Helps America Forget About Suffering
mark · 09/06/05 10:20AMTrade Round-Up: Studio Seeks Spielberg's Expertise With "Worlds"
mark · 08/29/05 01:21PM
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, All-Worlds Edition: Paramount brings in Steven Spielberg, the world's leading expert on expensive remakes with "Worlds" in the title and movies dealing with deadly threats from outer space, as producer of the re-do of 1951's When Worlds Collide. [Variety]
· The world's leading expert on bad movies involving CGI critters and ancient curses, Stephen "The Mummy" Sommers, steps out of the above-mentioned When Worlds Collide project to take over Fox's Night at the Museum, about "a goodhearted but bumbling security guard at the Museum of Natural History who accidentally trips an ancient curse that causes the animals and insects on display to come to life, wreaking havoc in the area." [THR]
· Scott Rudin, Hollywood's unofficial Friend of Literature, puts up his own money [Ed.note—Gasp!] to acquire the rights to soon-to-be-released Benjamin Kunkel (for blog-lit nerds: he's the N+1 guy, there is hope!) novel Indecision. [Variety]
· HBO orders comedy pilot from Lydia Dean Pilcher, about thirty-something Manhattan women juggling their families and careers, but otherwise bears no resemblance whatsoever to Sex and the City. [THR]
· The Island continues to become somewhat less of a disaster overseas, winning a third straight weekend at the foreign box office and crossing the $100 million mark. [Variety]