Monday Morning Box Office: Born-Again Virgin

Welcome to the final Monday Morning Box Office report of August 2005, which will suffer from 2.5% less effort than the one from the corresponding Monday morning of 2004.
1. 40 Year-Old Virgin—$16.4 million
In the week between Virgin's opening weekend, first-place finish, and its impressive hold on the top spot in its second week of release, Steve Carell's quote has risen to a reported $5 million. (He earned only $500K for Virgin.) If this pattern holds, Carell will be commanding more than $500 million per picture by mid-September.
2. The Brothers Grimm—$15.1 million
Heath Ledger may find himself in the strange position of needing a gay cowboy movie to resuscitate his buzz. We'll see how far that on-screen handjob he gives Jake Gyllenhaal takes him.
3. Red Eye—$10.4 million
Rachel McAdams seems almost too nice and too pure for the naughty thoughts that have slowly grown inside us since her Wedding Crashers ascendancy.
4. Four Brothers—$7.8 million
Having slipped under the crucial $2 million per brother threshold, it's time to start thinking about those DVD special features.
5. Wedding Crashers—$6.25 million
6. The Cave—$6.2 million
Finally, a race that's almost too close to call! We'll see what happens once the official results are in, but it would be pretty sad to see the Crashers displaced from the top five by a movie we hadn't heard of until ten minutes ago.