
Gossip Roundup: Paris Hilton Totally Deserves Better Freebies

Jessica · 12/06/04 12:00PM

· Paris Hilton bitches about her "lame" $6K giftbag at the VH1 Big In '04 awards. Everything else, however, is reportedly "hot." [Scoop]
· Lindsay Lohan hooks up with a friend of ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama. At least she keeps it local. [ELK]
· Meanwhile, is Britney Spears the next Lindsay Lohan? The crusty pop star is reportedly fighting with her father, Jamie, because he's using her name to promote his Malibu smoothie shop. [Page Six]
· Band-aid-bedecked rapper Nelly is still denying his relationship with singer Ashanti. [R&M]
· Cranky celebs hate on the holidays. Slow news day, indeed. [Lowdown]
· Analyzing HBO's Entourage: Jeremy Piven's character is based off of Endeavor's Ari Emmanuel and Kevin Connolly's is drawn from Eric Weinstein. [Gatecrasher]

Clay Aiken Hates The Little Children

Jessica · 12/06/04 11:15AM

Can we just take a moment to reflect on the darling charm that is beloved American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken? He's so sweet, so kind—he was even working in special education before prefabricated superstardom came calling.

The Trump Offspring: Not Total Freaks

Jessica · 12/06/04 10:33AM

In a suprisingly endearing profile of the Trump children—Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric—New York's Jonathan Van Meter meets the younger Don, who's currently working his way up his old man's ladder:

Lindsay Lohan Makes Stunning Debut On 'Good Morning America'

Jessica · 12/06/04 09:24AM

Oh, for shame: we regretfully missed Lindsay Lohan's musical coming-out party just now on Good Morning America to promote her new album, Speak (and oh, that title. One word, so much depth. Breathtaking). Darn, we were really looking forward to seeing host Charles Gibson try to control his lust. Thankfully, a reader tells us all we need to know:

To Do, This Weekend: Book Blogs, Godzilla, Or Guided By Voices

Jessica · 12/03/04 05:20PM

· Falcon The Band, the band with world's most complicated backstory perform at Tommy's Tavern in Greenpoint, Brooklyn tonight at 11pm. $5 [Tommy's Tavern]
· We had no idea, but there are, like, other blogs out there! And some are about books, ew. Go size up their authors and see if any are hot, as literary website writers discuss their bookworm bubble life. [Housing Works]
· Stick a needle in your arm and head to Rothko tonight for the Vice Records Tour, featuring Panthers, Death From Above 1979, and Vietnam. Don't even think about showering. [Rothko]
· Geek out with all the other uptown freaks at the Columbia discussion of Godzilla's place in world culture. You might want to grab a few beers first. [Upcoming]
· Guided By Voices give their last show EVER tonight at Irving Plaza. Feel bad about not having tix? Neither do we. [Irving Plaza]

Nick On Jessica: 'Best Stocking I've Ever Stuffed'

Jessica · 12/03/04 12:06PM

The celebrity weeklies have been drooling over the possibility of pop & Newlyweds stars Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's dying marriage, but it's really not that exciting unless there's a sex tape involved. Or, say, a nasty tell-all email from a production assistant working at the Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting extravaganza. Maybe, if that PA witnessed Jessica acting like a bitchy robot (with her parents at the controls) or heard Nick say stuff like, "Not too many nice things to say about [Jessica]," and refer to her as little more than a fucktoy, then things would be interesting.

Gossip Roundup: Bloomberg Likes 'Em Tight And White

Jessica · 12/03/04 11:25AM

· Mayor Bloomberg reveals his penchant for wearing briefs; New York's collective libido is instantaneously destroyed. [Page Six]
· The rumors that Britney Spears is carrying a spawn in her cheese-encrusted belly are intensifying, with a possible announcement coming soon. [R&M (3rd item)]
· Those poor designers over at Heatherette. First they dress Paris Hilton, then they're reduced to appearing on America's Next Top Model, and now they're dressing puppets for daytime talk tv. [Page Six]
· Will Smith equates 9-11 to being attacked by a racist cop. Which he likely will be, now. [Lowdown]

Freeman's: Lows After The Highs

Jessica · 12/03/04 09:02AM

After riding the tidal wave of buzz surrounding their wee establishment, the owners of downtown restaurant Freeman's might have to face up to some bitter realities. Like, say, while Freeman's may be "hot," the wait for a table (at which you might enjoy such delicacies as macaroni and cheese) is fucking absurd. And then there's the eurotrash factor:

To Do: Hacking The Eagles Of Death Metal At Parsons

Jessica · 12/02/04 05:31PM

· We're still a little fuzzy on the rules of this whole internet-thingy, but maybe this'll help: "How to Hack Copyright for Fun and Profit," with artist, writer, and curator John Ippolito. 6 pm at Columbia University, no less. [Upcoming]
· Shortlist nominees Eagles of Death Metal don't actually play death metal. What a clever, ironic name! They play tonight in Williamsburg. What a clever, ironic crowd! [flavorpill]
· Bored? Unemployed? Money to burn? Hair to dishevel, horn-rimmed glasses to sport, vintage Nikes to wear? Go check out just what type of art student you can be at Parsons tonight, which hosts an open house for its Graduate programs. [Parsons]

Remainders: Paris Hilton Humps Again

Jessica · 12/02/04 04:24PM

· Oh, who is newly-brunette Paris fucking now? "Based upon appearance alone, the only thing that I could come up with is that Stephen Dorff stumbled upon a forgotten stash of ephedrine, put his head in a vice, got himself a New Wave 80s haircut, broke into Kevin Federline's closet and stole his wardrobe." Well, then it must be skateboarder Chad Muska. [Whatevs]
· Wenner Media needs our help! When the editors can't decide between Rolling Stone covers featuring Bill Murray, Keanu Reeves, Sean Penn, or Leonardo DiCaprio, they turn to a company survey. And we take that survey and give it to you, dear readers. [RS Employee Survey]
· Just in case you can't get enough of your rancid neighbors' rants about every little thing, try setting up an internet message board for your building. [NYT]
· Part-time Gawky slave Andrew Krucoff reflects on his Conde obsession over the past year. [Krucoff]
· And, lest you think Paris used up her internet quota for the day, allow us to point out her autographed stapler. [cMarket]

Rod Stewart Doppelganger Update: Have You Seen This Man?

Jessica · 12/02/04 02:14PM

We have it on good authority that the man in this picture, taken at downtown nightspot Capitale, is indeed the "Rod Stewart" spotted all around Brooklyn. (According to about 567452 of you, he also works in midtown, has two kids, no British accent, etc., etc.) Let's make sure we all understand: This is not Rod Stewart. This is merely a random man who intentionally tries to look like Rod Stewart whilst bouncing about the boroughs and scaring small children. Keep your eyes open and your camera phones ready; we're still waiting for a picture of PseudoRod in his natural habitat.
UPDATE: Several readers write in to clarify. One says, "That picture is not 'the' Rod Stewart doppelganger I see regularly on the F Train and at the NYSC in the Crowne Plaza and going to work somewhere in or near the Times building. So maybe there's a triple-ganger somewhere." Developing!
[Photo credit: Jeff Thomas via ImageCapture]
Earlier: Breaking: Rod Stewart Doppelganger Must Be Caught
Related: The Rod Stewart Tagger [Bluejake]

Buy Your Way Into The Motorola Hollywood Party

mark · 12/02/04 11:32AM

A web entrepreneur is hawking an invite to tonight's Motorola Hollywood Christmas party on eBay, an event sure to draw open-bar, goodie bag, and flashbulb-seeking glitterati in droves (last year's event featured all the usual suspects: Lindsay Lohan, the cast of The O.C., etc etc). The seller claims that this is an effort in putting a monetary value on Motorola's celebrity-courting policies, but whatever—if you want to spend at least $250 to get loaded and try to see if Paris Hilton is wearing underwear, knock yourself out. Um, anyone want to lend us a couple of hundred bucks?

'Stereotype' Party At Lit: Where Hipsters Go To Die

Jessica · 12/02/04 11:23AM

New Magazine Alert! (And no, it's not the $10 Traders. We can't bear to acknowledge that one, yet.) Stereotype magazine, which is so damn cool you've never heard of it, had a launch party last night at notorious East Village assymetrical-haircut-epicenter Lit. An unfortunate attendee reports of Condes and coke: