This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

We have it on good authority that the man in this picture, taken at downtown nightspot Capitale, is indeed the "Rod Stewart" spotted all around Brooklyn. (According to about 567452 of you, he also works in midtown, has two kids, no British accent, etc., etc.) Let's make sure we all understand: This is not Rod Stewart. This is merely a random man who intentionally tries to look like Rod Stewart whilst bouncing about the boroughs and scaring small children. Keep your eyes open and your camera phones ready; we're still waiting for a picture of PseudoRod in his natural habitat.
UPDATE: Several readers write in to clarify. One says, "That picture is not 'the' Rod Stewart doppelganger I see regularly on the F Train and at the NYSC in the Crowne Plaza and going to work somewhere in or near the Times building. So maybe there's a triple-ganger somewhere." Developing!
[Photo credit: Jeff Thomas via ImageCapture]
Earlier: Breaking: Rod Stewart Doppelganger Must Be Caught
Related: The Rod Stewart Tagger [Bluejake]