
It's Alive! The Stadium Is Alive!

Leitch · 06/09/05 11:09AM

Hey, this is New York: Stuff like this never dies. Young Republican safe haven The New York Sun reports this morning that, in spite of the negatory vote earlier this week, the Jets are still considering building the damn stadium anyway. They haven't really found a catch, really; they've just kind of said, "well, uh, we could pay for it ourselves, we guess."

Gossip Roundup: Kathy Hilton Clings To Paris For Dear Life

Jessica · 06/09/05 11:08AM

· The Tonight Show refuses to book Kathy Hilton to promote her new reality show unless she appears with daughter Paris. Kathy acquiesces, because clearly Paris has her entire family by the balls. [Page Six]
· Now that he's going to jail, Lindsay Lohan's drunken dad, Michael, has expressed his interest in God. Just don't expect Lindsay to eat a communion wafer. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
· In an Australian television interview, Tom Cruise grows irrationally angry when asked if he still speaks with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, which is marginally more entertaining than watching Cruise act irrationally happy. [Scoop]
· Anna Wintour denies the rumors that she'd put Prince Charles' new bride, Camilla Parker Bowles, on the cover Vogue. It simply wouldn't happen — Bowles fails to meet Wintour's silicone and weight requirements. [R&M (3rd item)]
· Oh my god, Brad Pitt might be sleeping with Angelina Jolie. The two were spotted checking in to the W hotel in Westwood, CA on Tuesday. [Page Six]

Kill The Smokers. Kill Them Now!

Leitch · 06/09/05 09:49AM

We know that smoking is bad, OK? And that smokers are bad people? And that anyone who so much as says the word cigarette should be cast down by stones in the town square? That if you see a smoker on the street, you should stab them in the face? We're all agreed on this, right?

Russell Crowe Speaks!

Leitch · 06/08/05 04:47PM

Russell Crowe has opened up to Australia's Daily Telegraph newspaper, which we think shouldn't get that much credit for the scoop since, well, there it's already tomorrow. Crowe says he's "ashamed," that he didn't aim the phone at the hotel worker and that he's "at the bottom of a well," just like Baby Jessica. Speaketh, Crowe, speaketh!

Culkin Pleads Guilty

Leitch · 06/08/05 04:34PM

You can probably be certain that Macaulay Culkin will be keeping his distance from Oklahoma from now on. The Good Son pleaded guilty about an hour ago to misdemeanor drug charges and will face a one-year deferred jail term and more than 1,000 bucks in fees. It was his first time in a courtroom since a month ago, when he confused Michael Jackson by showing up to testify looking like a fully grown gay man.—WL

To Do: Huffington, Wilson, or Start A Coldplay Fight

Jessica · 06/08/05 03:15PM

· Arianna Huffington and radio host Amy Goodman appear at Pioneer Bar for the book release party of Start Making Sense, which details how to jumpstart a real, effective progressive political movement. Step #1: don't get a bunch of influential people to write longform, purportedly influential things and call it a blog. [flavorpill]
· There aren't any live seats left at Makor for Brian Wilson's discussion about the plight that was releasing "Smile," but you can still watch it in the "overflow room" with all the other cheap/slow souls. [92Y]
· If you're in the mood for a bloodletting, eye-scratching fight, head over to Hiro for the Coldplay record release party and express yourself. [Upcoming]

West Side Stadium: We're Hesitant To Use Words Like 'Scam'

Jessica · 06/08/05 02:36PM

Call us crazy, but we have this strange feeling that the West Side Stadium debate is far from over. On Monday, 2 out of 3 members of the New York state s Public Authorities Control Board shot down the luxury sports pipe dream, making it impossible for the Jets to bring their $300 million to Manhattan and thus keeping the 2012 Olympics at bay. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate majority leader Joseph Bruno cast the two vetoes against the stadium; Governor Pataki, the PACB board s third and final member, voted in favor.

Breaking: Sunset-Gower On Fire? UPDATE

mark · 06/08/05 02:31PM

A reader has just informed us that Sunset-Gower Studios is "on fire," but was frustratingly short on details. So if you work on that lot, take a look around, and if you see that it's on fire, run to safety at Pinot or Starbucks or (gasp!) Denny's. If you work at Paramount, why not take a stroll up Gower and let us know what's going on? The local TV stations seem much more concerned with Ambush Makeover and Judge Joe Brown than with the conflagration allegedly taking place in the middle of Hollywood. Developing...

A Hollywood Grows In Brooklyn

Leitch · 06/08/05 12:38PM

The Times is all a-twitter about the Brooklyn's Steiner Studios, which, even though it's not actually built yet, is already housing films like The Producers and the upcoming Fur (which stars Robert Downey Jr., meaning Steiner better start preparing now. Clean up in Aisle Three!). The story details why New York — Brooklyn counts, people — is suddenly one of the top destinations for film crews. Mainly, it's money, money and some sort of green paper with markings ... oh, that's money. From a pre-mourning Mel Brooks:

Old Russian Lady Spouts Off

Leitch · 06/08/05 11:20AM

You know, we won't lie to you: We're not quite sure who Inna De Silva is. (Sorry. We're under the age of 90.) According to this week's New York Observer, she's a notorious NYC party gal who they story says, at various points, ran a Russian "concierge service," was addicted to smack, worked as a booker for models and now serves as a consultant to nightclubs while carrying around a bottle of vodka. We don't know why this necessarily makes her interesting enough to merit a profile in the Observer, but we do like listening to her talk. Some choice quotes:

Gossip Roundup: J. Lo Finally Gets A Much-Needed Diamond

Jessica · 06/08/05 10:35AM

· A year after being married, Marc Anthony finally presents Jennifer Lopez with the necessary engagement rock, which weighs no less than 4 lbs. [Scoop]
· You're going to find this hard to believe, but the myth of the Hollywood "casting couch" is not a myth! Yes, actresses and actors often fuck for food and fame. [Page Six]
· Glad we're not the only ones who noticed Lloyd Grove (or reporter Hud Morgan's) animal attraction to actor Jesse Bradford. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
· Did producer LA Reid dare to send Bon Jovi back to the student after finding the legend's work unsatisfactory? [R&M]
· Russell Crowe also likes to threaten people who fill his drinks. [Page Six]