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A reader has just informed us that Sunset-Gower Studios is "on fire," but was frustratingly short on details. So if you work on that lot, take a look around, and if you see that it's on fire, run to safety at Pinot or Starbucks or (gasp!) Denny's. If you work at Paramount, why not take a stroll up Gower and let us know what's going on? The local TV stations seem much more concerned with Ambush Makeover and Judge Joe Brown than with the conflagration allegedly taking place in the middle of Hollywood. Developing...

UPDATE: Looks like the fire wasn't quite the apocalyptic disaster we'd secretly hoped for on a slow news day feared. From City News Service, via a helpful reader):

HOLLYWOOD (CNS) - A fire sparked by a worker cutting metal damaged a building at Gower Studios in Hollywood today, but no one was hurt, authorities said.

Firefighters sent to 6076 W. Fountain Ave. at 8:48 a.m. doused the flames in about 40 minutes, said Melissa Kelley of the Los Angeles Fire Department. A damage estimate was not immediately available.

It might take a while for the news to spread, so if you work at Sunset-Gower, you probably have a few more minutes to try the classic "The world is ending, so we might as well fuck our way to the Rapture" gambit.

Finally, a couple of reader reports round out our breaking coverage:

"...the streets are all blocked off. Safety, blah! Two ladder trucks with their ladders up and onto the roof. Water everywhere. Looked like it was pretty much done by 10:15. Not on the news yet but as it doesn't concern a freeway chase, TomKat or Michael Jackson, it's not news I guess."

"I don't have much to report other than to confirm that the building is on fire. It seems to be the southwest corner of the lot because the intersection of Gower and Fountain was closed and I had to take a different route to work. I work down the street at Hollywood Production Center and if I can get out of here I'll take a drive up and check out the action. The water from the hoses was running all the way down to where I pull in to park (Gower and Santa Monica)."