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Russell Crowe has opened up to Australia's Daily Telegraph newspaper, which we think shouldn't get that much credit for the scoop since, well, there it's already tomorrow. Crowe says he's "ashamed," that he didn't aim the phone at the hotel worker and that he's "at the bottom of a well," just like Baby Jessica. Speaketh, Crowe, speaketh!

"I'm at the bottom of a well. I can't communicate how dark my life is right now. I'm in a lot of trouble. I'll do my best to solve the situation in an honourable way. I'm very sorry for my actions.

"I will spend the rest of my life if it takes it, trying to make it up with my wife. I'm pleased that my son isn't able to compute what's going on at the moment because that would be a heartbreaking thing.

"One thing that I don't want to do is imply that I'm trying to make out it's somebody else's fault It's not, I know it's my fault, I've got to face up to it and deal with it.

"I'm not trying to be pessimistic, I'm just looking at what the situation is — it's a seven-year jail sentence."

He also says he's now concerned about his US visa, making him like just about 40 percent of the people we know in New York.—WL

Crowe Reveals Private Torment [Daily Telegraph]