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Apparently, somebody's looking for a puppeteer in today's wintry economic climate. More news from that scrappy Brooklyn borough: You can now rent yourself a puppet. Some strange group of dudes — and you know there aren't any women around — called The Puppeteers Cooperative set up shop every Saturday in Prospect Park and let families take a puppet home for a while. Like a temporary dog, only with more crapping on the carpet.

The Cooperative, a "loose affiliation of puppeteers" (that means "unemployed," by the way), does performances in the park so they can have the space. We think we might pop by next week and grab one of the puppets. We're not sure what we'll do with it, though; maybe grab some Cheetos, watch some TV, you know, hang out.—WL

Need To Borrow A Puppet? [AP]
The Puppeteers Cooperative [Official Site]