Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Russell Crowe, Billy Joel, Chuck Barris, Patti Smith, Jessica Lange, Heath Ledger, Topher Grace, Clive Owen, Juliette Lewis, Nicky Hilton, Adrian Grenier, Tom Ford, Keanu Reeves, Steve Buscemi, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Christopher Imperioli, Jared Leto, Ice Cube, Josh Hartnett, Parker Posey, Tea Leoni, Sandra Oh, Dean Winters and Scott Winters, Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa, Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth Berkley, Lauren Hutton, Alan Cumming, Albert Hammond Jr., Malcolm Gladwell, Lisa Ling, Henry Rollins, Morrissey, Jon Cryer, Mike D, Philip Bloch and Karolina Kurkova.

[We'd love to put together a map of Russell Crowe's evening prior to beating a Mercer hotel employee, so if any of you saw him on Sunday night, do tell.]

So I went to Mexican Radio yesterday 6/5 (a Mexican resturant in SoHo) and saw Russell Crowe and two friends drinking and eating at the bar, he was very low key and scruffy but still very attractive. The waitress said he was very nice. I was in shock when they said he was arrested. Whatever, its not like he pulled a Christian Slater.

6/5 We saw Russell Crowe drinking at The Spotted Pig in the West Village until very, very late last night!

I followed Billy Joel and his wife down Prince Street for a bit on Saturday 6/4. I assumed that he was going to show her where Mr. Caccitore's down on Sullivan Street once was, but instead he went into the new teany.

Saw the one and only Chuck Barris at Mary's Fish Camp Friday June 3rd, he was celebrating his birthday with about 10 people, and sitting next to some young, dangerously thin, sunken-cheeked girl with too much makeup. He, however, was laughing and smiling the entire dinner and during and after the entire restaurant sung happy birthday to him, quite charismatic and looks exactly as he looked back in the Gong Show days but with gray hair.

On Thursday I saw the greatest rock and roller of all time.. Patti Smith crossing 14th Street and Hudson -totally grey, wearing an old ratty suit, walking with an older woman with white hair.

6/4 Union Square saw Jessica Lange walking down University Place by herself. One word, smokin.

6.4.05 i saw heath ledger riding his skateboard on smith st. in brooklyn, right outside the health food store.

I saw Topher Grace walking into one of the high class magazine establishments on 6th and Carmine St. He was wearing a very ironic and hip hoody, and resembled the rest of the houseboys that routinely shop at those village stores.

Saw Clive Owen at Starbucks on W. 4th around 9:30 AM Saturday 6/4 He's about 6'4 and was wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. He had that just-rolled-out-of-bed-but-still-totally-hot look. He made the cashier chick laugh with some witty English comment, took his Venti coffee and left. I, meanwhile, almost shat myself. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and has beautiful blue eyes. I'd sooo do him.

6/5. Juliette Lewis at the Sanford Biggers opening at the Triple Candie gallery in Harlem. Later at the after party at Harlem Grill, her beau, Joseph Arthur jammed with singers Martin Luther and Cody Chestnut.

waiting for our table at peter luger last wed night, and nicky hilton came in with a short guy, Kevin Connelly, she was thin, tall-ish, wore too much liquid eyeliner, all blue head to toe in this satin dress thing, which was not what i wore to eat steak. he ordered two glasses of white wine. she was busy avoiding eye contact with anyone. they stood next to us at the bar for a few minutes. the boy seemed pleased that they were drawing attention. she was polished to a high sheen. lots of exfoliating, i imagine. had it not been for her very expensive salon skin, she could have been just another girl from jersey.

Adrian Grenier having brunch at the St. Helens Cafe in Williamsburg on Sunday, around 1. Snacking on a weed lollypop, he told the waitress.

Just saw Tom Ford, hyper-groomed, dark suit, walking into the GM building with Lauder/MAC honcho John Demsey. Alas, Ford's crisp white shirt was not unbuttoned to the navel as per usual. (Perhaps this is his "business" look?)

Walking down 21st street between 8/9th avenue on Saturday 6/4 i spotted Keanu Reeves at some graduation-type event at some school. He was talking to some lady, obviously not his lady, but some teacher or something. He was totally wearing Keanu-wear, you know a drab colored blazer (I think it was 90 degrees outside!) and some drab shirt w/even maybe drab corduroys too, unshaven in that Keanu way. Looking finer than anyone should in those clothes and reminding me that no matter how shanty the acting may be, he is KEANU and he is adorable. Seemed really sweet too! I telepathically told him of my love for him.

Saw Steve Buscemi walking down 11th street near 5th ave 6/2.

6/2 - Eating dinner at Sapore on Greenwich Ave. Some broad catches my eye with a big smile that I naturally assumed was directed at me. Looked at the rest of her face - turned out to be Maggie Gyllenhaal. And that smile was definitely not meant for this ego-laden lad. She was listening to an iPod, staring up at the heavens and lurching down the street. That quickly turned a cute smile into a creepy spaced-out hippy one. But who am I fooling, I still want to play kissy-face...

Christopher Imperioli on the Jitney 5/29. boarded on 40th street.

Was walking in Soho near Prince St. yesterday (Saturday, 6/4) when who do I see but Jared Leto, shaved head and all. He gave a somewhat hobo-ish vibe, as he was nearly fully reclined on the steps next to that outdoor Adidas store. He was in the company of some punkish, hipstery brand of Asian girl who definitely thought she was too cool for school. He was still hot, though- I nearly melted from our brief moment of direct eye-contact.

saw ice cube around 10pm last night (6/5) checking into the W hotel at Union Square. Nothing flashy, just a couple of middle aged body guards with fast food bags and a gently pimped out Escalade.

Yesterday (6/2) while walking down Houston I noticed a good looking, tall guy walking towards me, talking on his cell phone, and as we got closer I realized that it was Josh Hartnett! He is great looking in real life—about 6'2" or 6'3" and a nice size—and seemed perfectly content walking down the street by himself. It didn't seem like too many others around me noticed him.

saw a really skinny Parker Posey on the corner of 11th and 3rd on memorial day. wearing a granny dress, weird elfin shoes and her frizzy hair in a BANANA clip. she was carrying a food emporium bag and looking pissed off. maybe she was hungry.

Tea Leoni in Central Park 6/4 with her children, parents and dog, minus Mulder. They were strolling around the pond on e. 72nd

while eating dinner at the jersey-packed, ear shattering schiller's liquor bar on the lower east side, my boyfriend and i were rudely persuaded to switch tables so the ditzy manager could create a "four-top". being good sports, we agreed to move only to realize we had been bumped by a blonde-highlighted Sandra Oh and her three pals. ironically, schiller's thought they could make up for the obnoxious star f***ing with a free bottle of wine.

A twofer! Saw Dean Winters and Scott Winters from "Oz" this weekend at Village bar Fiddlesticks. They were with some other people and seemed really nice and down to earth. Wasn't crazy about Dean's hoop earring tho.

Saw Mark Consuelos (5/31) carrying one of his children down Mulberry St with the other two with Kelly Ripa following behind. They were coming from that street fair on Mulberry below Spring St. The kids had a few treats from the fair and Kelly looked pretty and casual in big shades. They looked like a very normal family on a family outing.

Sunday (6/05/05) saw Jennifer Connelly with her son at Battle of the Bands in Prospect Park... Very attractive in person and very friendly.

Elizabeth Berkley was trying to get a last minute bikini wax at Haven in Soho on 5/27 @ 5pm. It was nice to see the staff at Haven not give her special treatment, etc by allowing her to cut in line

Saw Lauren Hutton at Pastis last Monday. She looked good...a little nutty in turquoise parachute pants and toting a massive pink shopping bag from Betsy Johnson. Despite the long line she was seated asap, but seemed nice and was understated even in light of the bright colors.

fri 6/3 - spotted alan cumming on east 7th headed towards avenue b late night. wearing leather kilt-esque bottom, leather jacket up top. walking quickly with cute guy, about the same age. my boyfriend had no idea who he was. i heard him in an interview a while back that he was launching a line of hair/body products .. "cumming for your face" "cumming in your hair" etc. did this ever come out for sale?

Saw Albert Hammond Jr., or Stroke w/fro, on University Place with a couple of non- Strokes. As he was walking past a poster of The White Stripes new album/cd he stopped pointed at Jack White's face and started laughing. Hmmm ... maybe he is just jealous that the White Stripes actually have new music to promote or maybe it was a commentary on the similarities between the pallor of Jack White and Michael Jackson.

Blinker Malcolm Gladwell at Common Grounds on Jane Street 6/3. He and his 'fro were both shorter than I had imagined they would be.

I was in Fairway @ 74th and Broadway 6/3 when I spotted a teeny little Lisa Ling (formerly of "The View" fame) shopping w/ a basket of goodies. She was in gym attire: black shorts and a black tee w/ the sleeves cut off, which all matched her black "National Geographic Explorer" hat, you know, so as to let everyone know what she's doing now. She was also toting a bag from Barney's Co-op, but I don't know if it matched the hat too.

6/4 @ Bookexpo, I saw Henry Rollins hanging out at his publisher's booth. With two women, girlfriends/handlers/stalkers, I don't know, he was just chilling out talking to a few people. He was there for at least four hours, cause I kept circling and trying to work up the courage to say something not fangirl-ish. Totally grey and shorter than I expected, but I still wanted to fold him up, put him in my pocket and take him home. Spike Lee was also there but I couldn't make him out through the crowd at his signing.

Wow... I just got back from RUB on 23rd Street 6/3 where a coworker and I were stuffing our faces with pulled pork. In between bites I looked out of the window only to notice motherfucking MORRISSEY! How did he look, do you ask? Fabulous, that's how.

jon cryer, ducky, at boxcar lounge AKA lesbian bar drinking Cosmos late on Saturday night with a"bearish" man.

Sat. June 4th - Mike D. (Beastie Boys) considering his leafy green options at Gorzynski s Ornery Farm stall at Union Sq. Greenmarket. Promptly went home and listened to Paul's Boutique while I washed my spinach.

friday 6/3 saw E! / vh-1 talking head [designer] Philip Bloch friday evening at 18th street & 6th in Chelsea ... he was wearing maroon adidas-type pants and a prada sling bag. also appeared to be sporting eyeliner.

My husband and I saw Karolina Kurkova at Zara in Soho on Saturday afternoon, 6/4. I know she s a supermodel, but she didn t look all that great with no make-up and some rolled-up shorts. She was trying on a cargo jacket under the watchful eye of her big bald bodyguard/boyfriend(??) Very tall and thin.