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Craigslist once again offers an amazing opportunity to obtain an industry "dream job," if one's dream is to perform menial, unpaid tasks while scantily clad for an array of "agents," "execs," and "directors" in exchange for a chance to network one's way into undesirable genital-genital contact:

Models/Interns needed for Dream Job!
Looking for a female intern/model to spend time lounging at the pool of a beautiful beverly hills mansion 2 to 3 days per week for 4-5 hours each day. Duties will include pouring beer, mixing drinks, and casual conversation with guests. Must be comfortable in a bikini. Light cooking/grilling and cleaning may be required as needed. Drinking and socializing is encouraged. This will be unpaid but will provide for limitless networking possibilities among agents, studio execs, directors & film and tv producers. Food and beverages will be provided gratis. Interested applicants should email headshot/resume.

On the bright side, the booze is free, and you almost certainly won't wind up straining leaves out of David Geffen's pool.

UPDATE: It never takes long for a great idea to spawn imitators.