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The Times is all a-twitter about the Brooklyn's Steiner Studios, which, even though it's not actually built yet, is already housing films like The Producers and the upcoming Fur (which stars Robert Downey Jr., meaning Steiner better start preparing now. Clean up in Aisle Three!). The story details why New York — Brooklyn counts, people — is suddenly one of the top destinations for film crews. Mainly, it's money, money and some sort of green paper with markings ... oh, that's money. From a pre-mourning Mel Brooks:

"Without the tax benefits, the horrible truth is, this movie would probably be made in Kabul, or you know, wherever it's the cheapest place in the world for us to shoot."

Don't get too excited though. One of the main aspects of the studio is a parking lot that can hold 1,000 vehicles. If you've ever tried to find a parking spot in that area, you'll know the place is gonna be burned down in a month.—WL

Lights! Camera! Brooklyn! [NYT]
Steiner Studios [Official Site]