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In case you were wondering, just because the Jets aren't getting their stadium paid for with public funds doesn't mean the Nets — they're from somewhere west of the River, we hear — aren't still building theirs. The NYT looks at why Brooklyn is going to get its stadium, whether it wants it or not.

The main reason is up for debate. Either Nets owner Bruce "Not Brett, So Stop Saying That" Ratner is a better politician than Mayor Bloomberg, the stadium is actually going to help Brooklyn or, as many have implied, Cablevision isn't throwing its weight behind killing it. Of course, the fine anti-stadium folks at Fans For Fair Play say that the whole thing stinks to high heck, including the classic line, "[today's Times hit the stands with the same resounding thud a big pile of horse manure makes."—WL

Arena In Brooklyn Still A Go [NYT]
You Can Smell The NYT All Over Brooklyn [Fans For Fair Play]