
Britney Spears Actually Investing At Least $2,500 Per Week Wisely

Pareene · 03/07/08 09:52AM
  • Singer Britney Spears, said to be worth around $50 million, has become steadily more sane since her father was placed in control of her finances and other affairs several weeks ago. She parted ways with hanger-on ex-paparazzo Adnan Ghalib and earned the right to see her children more often. Apparently her father is compensated at $2,500 per week for his oversight, and the many tabloids that make money off Spears insanity are incredulous. So is comedian Rosie O'Donnell, who wrote in her Web Q&A forum that Spears' dad's high pay has become "the problem." Apparently these people have never priced rehab, or done some simple math on the scale of Spears' image problem.

Molly Friedman · 02/15/08 01:41PM

Take this with a grain of salt, but AICN is reporting that Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus director Terry Gilliam has cast Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law to film the remaining scenes that Heath Ledger was to have played. If word from Harry Knowles' camp ends up being true, it'll be quite a score for both the project and the notorious bad-luck magnet Gilliam. While it remains to be seen how Heath Ledger's scenes will be integrated into the final product, we can all agree that this casting news is a definite improvement over Christopher Plummer's vision of using "stills and something I think they call CGI" to save the flick. [AICN]

mark · 01/28/08 05:50PM

Literally hundreds of still-developing lungs could be imperiled as Woody Allen's legion of teenage fans flock to his new movie, Cassandra's Dream, which received its PG-13 rating well before the MPAA promised to crack down on such smoking-positive cinematic fare with an automatic R. Concerned parents: when you drop your kids off at the art house to see the "new Colin Farrell movie," make sure they mean the one where we kills a priest, not the one where he promotes the spread of lung cancer. [NY Times]

Colin Farrell Secure Enough In Own Manhood To Attend 'Wizard Of Oz'-Based Musicals

seth · 12/14/07 05:36PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted KISS's Paul Stanley kvelling at his son's rock recital.

Colin Farrell And Companion Enjoy Coffee-Based Beverages On Westside

seth · 10/02/07 03:16PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Dave Matthews succumbing to the Sprinkles scourge.

Colin Farrell Buys Homeless Man's Love At TIFF

seth · 09/14/07 06:33PM

Because we like to leave you to your weekend with uplifting stories of celebrity good deeds, we now bring you this story about roguish leading man and sex tape veteran Colin Farrell—whom, despite reports of being a dark twisted puppy, came off more of like a warm friendly one when he took a Toronto homeless man (apparently they have them!) on a shopping spree he wouldn't soon forget:

Celebrity Stalker Dessarae Bradford Back With A Deeply Unsettling Vengeance

seth · 08/31/07 12:01PM

If you, like us, have at times found yourself wondering what ever happened to Dessarae Bradford, author of I Fucked Alec Baldwin In His Ass (a Quality Paperback Bookclub Selection of the Month™!), guerrilla ambusher of Tonight Show appearances, and, with the recent publication of Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy, quickly becoming one of the most prolific celebrity-stalking fruitcake authoresses in recent history—well, then, this is your lucky day. A press release has landed in our inbox from Dessarae herself, updating us to the various exciting projects in development at her production company, based out of an air conditioning exhaust vent behind the 99¢ Only store at Wilshire and Fairfax. A mere taste:

Bed Bath & Beyond Hosts A Swank-Lowe Reunion

seth · 06/29/07 04:23PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Ryan Atwood quietly plotting his next career move at a Venice eatery.

Colin Farrell Dairy Mishap Narrowly Avoided With Help From Ralph's Good Samaritans

seth · 06/26/07 03:21PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted former Seinfeld star and noted stand-up nose-diver Michael Richards on a Third Street Promenade shopping spree:

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: A Very Grovey Christmas With Chris Rock

seth · 12/15/06 04:33PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so send them in often. (Every time you do, an angel gets its wings! ) Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about how ridiculous K-fed's sneaking-into-the-Pirates-of -the-Caribbean-ride game is.

Dessarae Bradford LOL's In Online Chat At Claims She Is Stalking Colin Farrell

seth · 09/27/06 06:20PM

We don't know how many of you showed up for yesterday's chat with alleged Colin Farrell reverse-stalking victim Dessarae Bradford. We were there, however, and after hearing what Ms. Bradford had to say in her defense—which was a great deal, spread over the course of a marathon, two-and-a-half conversation—we must admit that everything we thought we knew about phone sex workers who interrupt the taping of late night talk shows to threaten world famous movie stars has been turned on its head. Only now do we have the complete picture: Farrell, titillated by well-publicized reports of Bradford's strap-on taming of a wild, bucking Baldwin, found her ad promoting the novelization of the encounter in a New York newspaper. At first, their telephone affair was a fun and flirty courtship; but soon, an increasingly wasted Farrell began to phone her obsessively:

Dessarae Bradford Addresses Your Stalking Questions At

seth · 09/26/06 03:49PM

Visitors to at 2 p.m. PST will be able to chat with Dessarae Bradford, noted self-published memoirist of the beloved coming-of-age tale, I Fucked Alec Baldwin In His Ass, and, more recently, for playing herself as a recurring character in Colin Farrell's living nightmares. You still have well over an hour to prepare your questions for the most media-friendly celebrity stalker of all time, and, as no topic is off-limits, we'd encourage boldness and creativity in your stalker-chat queries. (Some examples: "What did fucking Alec Baldwin in his ass feel like?" "When two or more voices in your head give you conflicting orders, which do you follow?" "Are you as bewildered as we are over Jay Leno's enduring popularity?") Feel free to leave your own in the comments section, and we'll do our best to make sure Dessarae gets them.

Dessarae Bradford's Request To Have Restraining Order Lifted So She Can Re-Stalk Colin Farrell Denied

seth · 09/25/06 09:36PM

One would be hard pressed to find an (as yet) nonviolent, psychopathic celebrity stalker more committed to her craft than Dessarae Bradford. Having found herself on the receiving end of a restraining order against current obsession-object Colin Farrell after accosting the actor during a Tonight Show appearance, Bradford has taken it upon herself to gum up our local legal channels in an attempt at having it overturned:

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Colin Farrell Pedals In The Valley

seth · 07/28/06 04:16PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Ed Harris weather the indignity of having to tell the airport limo driver holding the "E. Harris" sign that he's the guy.

Dessarae Bradford Stays On Lunatic Message At Press Conference

seth · 07/25/06 01:37PM

It's been a big week for celebrity-stalking, lunatic sex-worker Dessarae Bradford, who's reached new levels of notoriety since bumrushing Colin Farrell in the midst of a Tonight Show interview. Bradford explained in a statement that the accosting was necessary in order to properly serve her latest lawsuit, and promised even more clarification at a press conference to be held yesterday at noon. NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove offers a report from the scene:

Gossip Roundup: Jeffrey Epstein Hates Beating Off Alone

Jessica · 07/25/06 12:05PM

• Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein — who, with Mort Zuckerman, helped fund the baby steps of Radar 2.0 — just wants to be happy. Thus he hired a certified prostisseuse to come over work the knots out of his back and give him a happy ending. Now he's been indicted for soliciting a hooker and is charged with a third-degree felony. No word on whether or not he ever got that handjob. [Page Six]
• In an impressive psychological twist, Colin Farrell's stalker Dessarae Bradford holds a press conference on the steps of the LA federal courthouse and accuses the actor of stalking her. Crazy bitch is good. [Lowdown (last item)]
• Christopher Hitchens writes for Maxim, tells youth of America to go bareback. [Page Six]
• Tara Reid is told by her agent that she's landed the lead in Senior Skip Day and, to ensure her career's revival, she'll be starring opposite Robert De Niro. Unfortunately, De Niro's people insist he's in no way involved in the project. As for Reid's agent: cruel, but hilarious. [R&M (2nd item)]
• Gay everywhere throw tantrums as Nic Cage signs on to play Liberace. The role's really too subtle for him. [TMZ]
• Pete Doherty schedules another five-minute stint in rehab. [E!]

Dessarae Bradford Wants World To Know She's The Stalking Victim Here

seth · 07/24/06 01:34PM

Dessarae Bradford, the woman who ambushed Colin Farrell on Thursday night's taping of The Tonight Show, has released a statement regarding the incident, and promises further deranged ramblings at a press conference downtown at noon today. As it turns out, Bradford insists she isn't a crazy stalker at all—she simply wanted to ensure Farrell was duly prepped for the court papers her "private pi guy / process server doug" would be delivering a few hours later. (Her insane suit, dismissed once already, claims that Farrell harrassed her with dirty phone calls and text messages, and, worst of all, failed to show up for a sex date, a blatant breach of make-believe contract for which he owes her $4,750.) From a statement released to the media and on her website: