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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted KISS's Paul Stanley kvelling at his son's rock recital.

In today's episode: Colin Farrell; Jennifer Aniston; Bjork; Donald Sutherland; Masi Oka; Ben Foster and Tom Welling; Elliot Gould; Paul Stanley; and Angelyne.

· Saw Colin Farrell at performance of Wicked Tuesday, December 11. He was with a non-descript woman and two children (not sure of relation); he sat in between the children. They were seated in Row C (I was in Row H). People noticed him but nobody bothered him. He seemed to enjoy the show. Looked exactly like he does in the movies - skuzzy, unkempt long hair, tattoos, etc. Nice on the eyes though.

· Wednesday December 12th, at about 9pm - Jennifer Aniston was sitting behind me at Mozza Pizzeria (Highland & Melrose) tonight, having dinner with 4 other folks (non-celebs). She looked fantastic and seemed to really be enjoying the company of her friends. I still can't believe Brad Pitt dumped her for that whacko Angelina.

· 12/11 The one and only Bjork showed up at Amoeba Records with a small entourage including what was likely her daughter, Isadora and some friends. For a place like Amoeba, a Bjork appearance was akin to the Queen of England showing up to hang with the proles in Trafalgar Square. She was actually quite lovely, made no attempt to hide who she was, and just shopped like anybody else - clad pretty simply, but wearing a black and rainbow colored shawl. That said, in her wake, everyone was obviously excited (I wouldn't be surprised if there were many "Defamer" e-mails mentally composed) and the employees of the store were positively giddy. No sign of husband Matthew Barney, but most certainly he is off on an ice freighter somewhere chasing whales with a 3-D camera for the next "Cremaster" film.

· On Tuesday, December 11, saw a silver-maned, virile Donald Sutherland exiting the Standard Hotel (downtown) with an entourage of one. Why was he there? I'm certain it wasn't to visit the prodigal son.....

· Dec 11 - I'd never been to a private club, so it was fitting to see the powerful, commanding presence-d Donald Sutherland having brunch with some older white Westside types at the table next to me at the Jonathan Club in Sta Monica on Sunday. Guess he loves to brunch with the city's Ruling Class. The club bans just about everything (cell phones, laptops etc.), and I'm sure submitting star sightings to Defamer would be on that list if it were to reach problem levels.

Today in my Hollywood office courtyard Masi Oka was wandering around, probably trying to find the Weitz Bros. offices. Actors always get lost among the cute bungalows there.

· A Thursday night twofer: On my way into Comme Ca to taste this world's greatest burger Jonathan Gold has been going on about (warning: it's only served at lunch), I spotted Six Feet Under bisexual art school creep/mutant angel/3:10 Yuma psychopath Ben Foster leaving the premises. Then later, Superman (not the boring big screen one, the Smallville one) sauntered in. Tom Welling is his name. I had no idea that dude was so tall! 6'3" if he's an inch!

· Yesterday (12/11), I stood in line with Elliot Gould at the West LA (Exposition Blvd) post office. He's tall! He looked just as annoyed as the rest of us to be there.

· 12/13, kirsten dunst, jury duty, l.a. county courthouse

· Video camera-wielding KISS axman Paul Stanley at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood Dec. 9 to watch the concert for Join the Band, a "School of Rock-esque" program for kids. He was there to watch his son Evan, who, turns out, has chops on the ax himself. (Damn birthrights!) The botoxed-and-face-lifted elder-Stanley didn't smile much until his kid's band performed a rousing rendition of "Rock and Roll All Nite". Then, sure enough, the crowd got to witness a sweet father-son moment as Paul sang along from the audience, beaming proudly. Even this jaded LA gal was touched.

· About 10:30 this morning (12/12), heading east on the 101, none other than iconic model and sometime-actress, Angelyne (yes, I know this is a pathetic sighting, but I live in Van Nuys, and we have so little here), tooling down the freeway in her legendary hot-pink Corvette. As she passed me, all I could glimpse was what appeared to be some sort of head, engulfed in a billowing mass of frantically teased blond curls. I held back and watched as at least a half dozen drivers, obviously taking note of the personalized plate that announced her presence, sidled up to her in the next lane, slowed a bit to check her out, and then sped away (in horror? Who can say?). She was still in my sights until she reached the 134 split, where I lost her. Woman has a lead foot.