Dessarae Bradford Stays On Lunatic Message At Press Conference

It's been a big week for celebrity-stalking, lunatic sex-worker Dessarae Bradford, who's reached new levels of notoriety since bumrushing Colin Farrell in the midst of a Tonight Show interview. Bradford explained in a statement that the accosting was necessary in order to properly serve her latest lawsuit, and promised even more clarification at a press conference to be held yesterday at noon. NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove offers a report from the scene:
[T]he 31-year-old Bradford staged a circus-like press conference in front of the L.A. federal courthouse, announcing she's just filed another lawsuit against her target. "Not only am I suing him for slander but for stalking," she told half a dozen reporters. "It's affecting me." Bradford warned those present that if she didn't like what they wrote, she'd sue them, too. As for the Leno incident, she claimed: "My whole purpose was to get Colin Farrell served properly. ... I was intending to be a mini-diversion while my private investigator went up and served him. I never expected Jay Leno's security to step aside. They parted for me like the Red Sea." Bradford also handed out copies of her self-published book, "Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy."
An increasingly freaked out Farrell was granted a temporary restraining order on Friday, saying, "I am concerned for the safety of my family." Still, biblical references and paranoid persecution complexes aside, we'd say there's no need to be fearful of the glassy, far-away look in Bradford's eyes as she demands retribution. After all, she claimed to have fucked Alec Baldwin in his ass, an act that would inevitably create a stronger stalker/celebrity bond than mere phone sex, and she has yet to injure any members of his family.