Dessarae Bradford LOL's In Online Chat At Claims She Is Stalking Colin Farrell

We don't know how many of you showed up for yesterday's chat with alleged Colin Farrell reverse-stalking victim Dessarae Bradford. We were there, however, and after hearing what Ms. Bradford had to say in her defense—which was a great deal, spread over the course of a marathon, two-and-a-half conversation—we must admit that everything we thought we knew about phone sex workers who interrupt the taping of late night talk shows to threaten world famous movie stars has been turned on its head. Only now do we have the complete picture: Farrell, titillated by well-publicized reports of Bradford's strap-on taming of a wild, bucking Baldwin, found her ad promoting the novelization of the encounter in a New York newspaper. At first, their telephone affair was a fun and flirty courtship; but soon, an increasingly wasted Farrell began to phone her obsessively:
Through the course of me talking to him for 6 months, and hearing him out and about, and hearing the groupies screaming over him, while we were on the phone, and hearing him at the pubs getting drunk off his butt, I realized that it was Colin for sure, probably three days in to first talking to him, let alone later in the following months. Later on, he sent me a birthday card with $100 in it. [...]
Once I gave him my private cell phone number, that's how he used to call me, and eventually, I gave him my home number too, and yes, I tried all those things that you've all suggested - I tried hanging up, I tried screening my calls, but he just started blocking his number out. I even tried cursing him out. But nothing deterred him... He felt that he was above reproach because of who he is in Hollywood. And in a way, yesterday, the judge enabled him to think this even more. You cannot imagine what it's like to have someone not accept your rejection to the point of persistently calling you.
Most of the audience questions were of the, "Wouldn't saving a single recording of any of these hundreds of phone calls have helped your case?" variety, something Bradford never manages to fully answer. She does claim to have one highly incriminating recording of a sexy video she sent to the actor; astonishingly, however, no judge has yet been convinced that a tape of Bradford staring into a camera and addressing Colin as though she knew him intimately somehow discounted the whole stalking thing. Perhaps not until she gives officials a personally guided tour of her votive candle, crucifix and newspaper clipping shrine to the actor will they realize the extent to which Farrell tormented her on a regular basis.