Remainders: Ring My Bell
abalk2 · 08/21/06 06:15PM• On the off chance that you fail to realize that Nasdaq may be full of shady, disreputable companies after reading this well-reported Chris Byron piece, the Post's Photoshop department helpfully provides the graphic above. Get it? They're mobsters! [NYP]
• The secret Segway conspiracy against black people continues. [NKT]
• Meanies at ugliest residential location in Manhattan refuse to allow you to recreate in the monstrosity's shadow. [Curbed]
• If you're looking for Mickey Kaus, head no further than your nearest Gap. He'll be rocking out to "What Do All the People Know?' in the denim department. [Kausfiles, Sunday entry]
• Why did Snakes on a Plane fail to meet expectations? The answer may have something to do with the snakes. [AdFreak]
• Don't forget, tomorrow may bring fiery death from above. The WSJ editorial board has prepped an opinion linking it all to the estate tax just in case. [Wonkette]
• An e-mail from New York magazine claims that this week's Approval Matrix coined the term Shyamaladenfreude, or "the pleasure derived from M. Night Shyamalan's misfortunes." Of course, the LAT used it a month ago. Sounds like a case of Mossappropriation to us. [Google search]
• Try reading this piece on Mark "Cobrasnake" Hunter in the voice and inflections of a 13-year-old girl and it almost sounds plausible. [Paper]