'Times' Guy Just Wants Cockney Tabloid Whore

From online rest stop Craigslist, one of the better postings we've seen in a long time:
Timesman Looking for a Young NY Post Girl to Date - 53 (TriBeCa)
Reply to: pers-194280013@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-14, 11:51PM EDT
To be brief about this, I work at the Times and dream of dating a Postie or even a Daily News kind of gal, someone who won't constantly throw that feminist crap into my face every time I ask her to get me a beer or to give me certain other oral treats.
I see this as a "Pygmalion" sort of relationship, in which you defer to my superior intellect and breeding, and I to your feminine charms. As a realist, I appreciate that there are not that many New York Post writers out there reading this, so I am also willing to date Hipster girls from Kansas now resident in Williamsburg who maybe don't have an academic pedigree to speak of and who want to rub shoulders with the intellectual elite of Manhattan.
No weirdos, please. Also, you must be willing to travel to Inwood on occasion.
This cannot be real, right? Actually, sad as it may be, it's not wholly unlikely that some arrogant Times staffer thought this was, at the very least, an amusing project (after all, who knows what darkness lurks in the pants of David Brooks?). So let's assume, perhaps incorrectly but for the sake of fun, that this is a legitimate posting. Don your collective thinking caps: what Times "gentleman" is in his 50s, lives in Tribeca (or Inwood?), and actually wants to talk to a Post staffer? Send us your guesses and at the end of the day, we'll try to reveal this Henry Higgins.