City High School Students Approximately As Clean As City High Schools
abalk2 · 09/18/06 08:50AMMedia Bubble: Yeah, We're Gonna Stick With 'Douchebags,' Thanks
abalk2 · 09/15/06 03:00PM
• LAT editor sticks it to The Man; refuses to make cuts requested by Tribune overlords. [NYT]
• Member of CBS Evening News' elderly demographic likes Katie Couric. [AP]
• City claims recycling has declined because no one buys newspapers anymore, but that fails to explain where people are putting the eight million Metros shoved at them as they enter the subway. [NYS]
• Dick-licking victim Mandy Stadtmiller wins "Funniest Reporter in New York" contest. The jokes, they write themselves. Or at least they're gonna have to for this one, because we've got nothing. [NY1]
The Wonderful World of Cindy Adams
abalk2 · 09/15/06 12:41PMNow This Is The Kind Of Cartoon We Could See Attacking An Embassy Over
abalk2 · 09/14/06 05:30PM
We can't recall the source of this anecdote but it concerns and old college roommate, a regular reader of the comic strip Nancy. When asked why he persisted in that habit the roommate replied, "Because one day it's going to be funny, and I want to be there." In any event, Sean Delonas of the Post: Is there possibly a less-talented cartoonist working today? We had to laugh when we saw this "specially commissioned" work of art in Page Six: the Magazine (making it the first time we've laughed at anything related to Delonas): Who "commissioned" it, the same person Delonas has the incriminating photos of? Honestly, does anyone out there find him amusing at all? E-mail us or respond in the comments; we're genuinely curious.
Local Institution Celebrates Quarter-Century of Rambling Inanity
abalk2 · 09/14/06 09:15AM
It may come as something of a shock to those of us who feel that, like the poor, Cindy Adams we have always had with us. But it's not true: the Post gossip dowager celebrates her twenty-fifth anniversary with that paper tomorrow. Today's column is a riot of self-celebration, and, to be fair, she deserves it. Since she's already pre-empted our usual jokes (she's old, her "predictions" are ridiculous restatements of the conventional wisdom, Steve Dunleavy has a significant problem with alcohol) with witty self-effacement, we will simply offer her our fond regards on the milestone. In what other town could a column like this run for twenty-five years? Only in New York, kids, only in New York.
Col Allan Really Into Spider-Man Today
abalk2 · 09/13/06 11:50AM'Post' Just Wants To Know If 'News' Is Okay, You Know?
abalk2 · 09/13/06 08:10AM
More in sorrow than in joy (oh, who are we kidding) Keith Kelly reports this morning on the dismissal of the Daily News' Andrea Dove, vice president of classified ads. Kelly gives a roll call of recent News departures, both voluntary and less so: Editor-in-Chief Michael Cooke, executive vice president Ira Ellenthal, investigative reporter Russ Buettner, feature writer Caitlin Kelly, food writer Isabel Forgang, and Michael Segell, Rebecca Louie, Breanne Heldman, Jami Bernard, Graham Fuller, Michele Ingrassia, Michelle Leifer and Celia McGee.
This Is Why We Read The 'Post' Backwards
abalk2 · 09/11/06 08:16AM'Post' Exclusive Exclusively Purchased From X17
abalk2 · 09/08/06 09:45AMMaybe we're being too harsh; after all, it's not like you can find this image anywhere else.
'Post' Can't Decide What To Hate More, Bloomberg Or Media
abalk2 · 09/08/06 08:10AMAndrea Peyser Probably Forgot That Her Photo Was Going To Run Alongside This
abalk2 · 09/06/06 09:55AMHow Your News Gets Made
abalk2 · 09/01/06 03:30PM'Post' Says "Hip Hop, You Don't Stop"
abalk2 · 08/31/06 01:30PM
While the Times may not be sure how rap-savvy their readers are, the Post has a better idea: They know four of the most famous songs of the genre, if the graphic above is any indication. Appended to a piece about the rapping analyst, this graphic proves that Photoshop jokes aren't the sole province of websites looking to fill space on a day with no news. Still, we don't want to be to hard on the Post: they also gave us this.
At Least Deep Throat Got Out of Bed and Showered Before 3PM
gdelahaye · 08/31/06 08:30AM
Are the New York Post and the New York Daily News embarrassed about getting scooped by a blogger? Both tabloids splashed Katie Couric's Photoshopped photo across their pages this morning, 24 hours after TVNewser first posted a story about it...But neither paper bothered to mention that the photos first surfaced on this blog. Are they embarrassed to credit a blog?
Mega-Ditto, 'New York Post'
gdelahaye · 08/30/06 10:50AM'Post' Snubs Sexy Leotard... Fantastic
abalk2 · 08/28/06 09:50AM
Did you happen to catch yesterday's Post coverage of the "25 sexiest New Yorkers"? (Oddly, only 15 are available on line.) Well, one of them happens to be Leigh Lezark! Sadly, the Post notes that a backlash is brewing against the hipster DJ. We don't know where they may have heard that, but we're pretty sure about where that "cold... stare" came from.
The Story So Nice the 'Post' Ran It Twice
abalk2 · 08/25/06 12:39PM
The images you see before you are pages 23 and 27 of today's New York Post. The close reader might note that they're the exact same story, the only difference being the images used. Page 23 prominently features Getty stock footage of a party girl and a smaller image of Councilwoman Melinda Katz (who looks pissed about something; page twenty-seven gives pride of place to Katz, while offering a more diminutive version of Getty party girl). We understand that fuckups happen; you need merely refresh this page more than once a day to see at least seven. Still, we can't help but wonder: Is this some kind of Post focus group? If the question is whether readers would prefer the hottie with the drink or the surly City Councilperson, well, we're gonna vote hottie every time. Especially now that Eva Moskowitz is out of politics.
'Post' Agitating For Yanks To Pick Up J.J. Putz
abalk2 · 08/24/06 01:10PM
One of the sadder parts of Alex Rodriguez signing with the Yankees instead of the Boston Red Sox was the loss of the inevitable New York Post giant-type headline "A-HOL." Fortunately, the Yanks also picked up pitcher Chien-Ming Wang, and his recent heroics on the field have allowed the Post to come up with gems like the following: