Today In Pretty White Girls In Jeopardy

It's rare that we agree with Andrea Peyser, whose scowling column photo is generally an accurate predictor of the content within, but this Saturday she had a column that was shockingly good, by Post standards. Contrasting the coverage of the murders of Jennifer Moore and Imette St. Guillen to that of Brooklyn victim Chanel Petro-Nixon, Peyser made the all-too-correct point that we've heard little about Petro-Nixon's slaying because, well, she's black. It was a brave statement to make, especially in the Post, which covers bad things happening to pretty women with laser-like intensity. Peyser should be congratulated for using her column to point out the mainstream media's lack of interest in victims of color, as should the Post.
Except they went and titled the piece "It's Open Season on Young Gals."
Yeah, that too.
In other news, State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno's missing granddaughter has been found safe. We're relieved for the family and awaiting the saturation coverage. Because, c'mon, the gal's a looker.
It's Open Season on Young Gals [NYP]
Bruno's granddaughter returns to Capital Region [Albany Times Union]