How Tacky Must Your Show Be For The 'Post' To Consider Participating In It Unprofessional?

An interesting tidbit from Eat the Press:
Bravo's reality series "Tabloid Wars" featuring the New York Daily News airs next Monday, promising a look into "the manic, hurly-burly world of a New York tabloid" — but it's not the New York tabloid the producers originally had in mind.
Eat the Press has learned that the show's producers initially approached the New York Post about being featured in the series, but Post editor-in-chief Col Allan turned them down. Through Post representative Steven Rubenstein , Allan confirmed that he had declined Bravo's offer, saying "We're all about making great newspapers."
Sources say Bravo also put itself at a disadvantage by suggesting that the show either be called "Shakedown," "Tales From the Crypt With Cindy Adams," or "Law and Order: DUI."
Tabloid Wars: The Series The New York Post Turned Down [HuffPo]