
Hillary Clinton Would Like to Thank GOP Leaders for Making Her Latest Attack Ad

Ashley Feinberg · 05/04/16 05:04PM

Now that we’re just six months away from electing our country’s very first tanned hernia into office, Hillary Clinton has her sights set squarely on taking down our future President Trump. And with that laser focus comes a brand new attack ad that is great—at least as far as attack ads go—but also a futile attempt to stop the inevitable.

Andrew Sullivan Is to Blame for Donald Trump

Tom Scocca · 05/04/16 09:29AM

“With Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner,” Andrew Sullivan wrote on Facebook on April 1, “it seems to me a civic duty to get engaged with this election.” Fifteen months after the seemingly inexhaustible commentator announced one of his periodic retreats from blogging—“to decompress and get healthy for a while”—he declared he was getting back into the opinion-having business, this time to do “long-form journalism,” for New York magazine.

Bobby Knight’s Life Was Never the Same After Benghazi

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/04/16 08:49AM

For Bobby Knight, an ornery old basketball coach who gets to go on TV because he backed a racist orange horse at the right time, there is just one issue at play this election: Benghazi.

RNC Chairman Resorts to Subtweeting John Kasich 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/03/16 08:59PM

With Ted Cruz out and Donald Trump its all but guaranteed nominee, the Republican National Committee is—however begrudgingly—preparing to refocus its sights on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Which means it’s past time for John Kasich to officially bow out, RNC chairman Reince Preibus said in so many words Tuesday night.

Fact Check: Donald Trump Never Actually Said He Had Venereal Disease

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/03/16 03:01PM

Ted Cruz today was apparently unable to get through a thirty-minute rant about what a liar Donald Trump is without telling a lie of his own. If it wasn’t a lie, then it was either a very bad mistake, or a demonstration of intimate knowledge of Donald Trump’s penis—no real way to say.

Ted Cruz: "Yes My Dad Killed JFK"

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/03/16 11:22AM

Yesterday, Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi addressed rumors that her husband is secretly the Zodiac Killer by explicitly not denying the rumors. Today, Ted Cruz took that tactic one step forward, confirming at a press conference that his own father, Rafael Cruz, assassinated JFK.