Photo: AP

John Kasich is soldiering on in his campaign for president, even as Senator Ted Cruz dropped out and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus not-so-subtly hinted that the Ohio governor should follow suit. And as the Columbus Dispatch notes, Kasich has fewer delegates than Senator Marco Rubio, who dropped out in March.

But there are no indications he’s listening. “Sen. Ted Cruz just dropped out of the presidential race and it’s up to us to stop Trump and unify our party in time to defeat Hillary Clinton,” Kasich campaign manager Ben Hansen said Wednesday morning in an email to supporters asking for donations. “Help us raise the funds RIGHT NOW to expand our grassroots programs for the upcoming primaries.”

And in a memo, the Dispatch reports, Kasich chief strategist John Weaver wrote: “Tonight’s results are not going to alter Gov. Kasich’s campaign plans. Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention. The comments from Trump, on the verge of winning in Indiana, heighten the differences between Governor Kasich and his positive, inclusive approach and the disrespectful ramblings from Donald Trump.”

“Ted Cruz ran a strong campaign, stood for conservative principles and exposed a lot about Donald Trump. Governor Kasich will continue to campaign and offer the voters a clear choice for our country,” Weaver wrote. “The Mad Hatter Gibberish pushed by Trump during the primary would weaken America.”

Kasich and Cruz agreed to a non-aggression pact last month to increase the odds of a contested convention this summer. With Cruz out of the race, those odds are longer than ever. On the other hand, more convention snacks for Kasich.

Update – 12:21 pm

Nope, just kidding.