Photo: AP

Donald Trump, who claims he “most likely” wants someone with “political experience” to be his running mate, told the New York Times that Dr. Ben Carson might be on the committee that helps him identify a vice-presidential candidate.

“I’ll set up a committee, and that I will do soon,” Trump told the Times this morning. “I think on the committee I’ll have Dr. Ben Carson and some other folks.” But Carson himself ran for president earlier this year—maybe he wants the gig?

It wouldn’t be without precedent: Previous vice-presidents who picked themselves after having been tasked with picking a Republican candidate’s partner include Dick Cheney—a quirk of history which allowed Republican elites were able to nominate someone for president who did not actually want to be president, so that they could do the hard work of being president for him.

But Ben Carson is no Dick Cheney, and Trump himself said he’s leaning towards a “political person.” As for the rest: “I have business very much covered,” he told the Times. “I think I’ll be absolutely great on the military and military strategy.”

In any case, we are looking forward to watching this burgeoning friendship between two powerful and charismatic men, struggling to express their feelings for each other, continue to bloom over the coming weeks.