
Orange You Glad Glenn Beck Coated Himself in Cheeto Dust

Andy Cush · 04/29/16 01:34PM

Sitting in a harshly lit anteroom, you watch a doomsday prophet don a pair of dark goggles. He leads three sycophants in some vulgar ceremony, dipping his face into a vessel of synthetic orange powder and instructing the servants to do the same. Is that Cheeto dust? You pinch yourself and flail, desperate to wake up, but this is no nightmare. This is yesterday’s episode of The Glenn Beck Program, hosted by Glenn Beck.

Advisors to Trump and Cruz Previously Worked for a Bloodthirsty Guatemalan Multimillionaire Who Promised to Broadcast Executions

Brendan O'Connor · 04/29/16 07:50AM

Today, Tim Clark and Ron Nehring run Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s California presidential campaigns, respectively. But four years ago, the Guardian reports, the two men spent six weeks in Guatemala as paid advisors to Manuel Baldízon, a multimillionaire rightwing populist who promised to broadcast executions on television and lead the Guatemalan national soccer team to the World Cup.

Squabble at Palm Beach Pro-Trump Social Club Pits "Trumpette" Against "Trumpette"

Brendan O'Connor · 04/28/16 01:00PM

First, Donald Trump’s candidacy for president tore apart the Republican party. Now it has thrust Trumpettes USA, Palm Beach’s premier organization for talking about Donald Trump while sipping white sangria, into a brutal power struggle over naming rights with Trumpettes Global, a Palm Beach-based Trump “support organization.” Does the world need two of these? Probably not. And yet, here we are.

Caitlyn Jenner Takes a Piss on Ted Cruz

Rich Juzwiak · 04/28/16 12:05PM

Once upon a time, Caitlyn Jenner dreamed of being Ted Cruz’s “trans ambassador.” Many people pointed out that this was silly because Cruz is a virulent bigot, and virulent bigots make terrible bedfellows for LGBT people. Cruz reiterated his bigotry last week, by voicing support for bathroom bills like North Carolina’s H2, which stigmatize trans people under the false notion of “protecting” women and children. “There is no greater evil than predators and if the law says that any man, if he chooses can enter a women’s restroom, a little girl’s restroom and stay there and he cannot be removed because he simply says at that moment he feels like a woman, you’re opening the door for predators,” said Cruz.

Donald Trump Racks Up Four States In East Coast Primaries

Ashley Feinberg · 04/26/16 07:27PM

Out of tonight’s five primary states, Donald Trump has already been called to win Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. This puts him at an estimated 904 delegates—closer to the 1,237 he needs to secure the nomination but still not out of contested convention territory.