
A Brief Note on the Donald Trump/Joe Scarborough Feud

Alex Pareene · 05/06/16 03:00PM

As has been often noted this election cycle, Donald Trump is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame. Trump and WWE founder Vince McMahon have known each other since 1988, and worked together frequently. But in 2007, Trump and McMahon pretended to be bitter rivals, culminating in Trump shaving McMahon’s head on pay-per-view TV. This was all play-acting, or “work” as its known in professional wrestling. In real life, Trump and McMahon were friends, and the feud was mutually beneficial to both.

Dead Rob Ford Endorses Donald Trump

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/06/16 01:10PM

Rob Ford, one hopes, is off dancing to reggae music somewhere in heaven’s Steak Queen franchise. Meanwhile, here on earth, his ghost has deigned to grant presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump the coveted Canadian endorsement.

Trump’s Taco Tweet Was on Every Fucking Channel Last Night

Ashley Feinberg · 05/06/16 12:45PM

Did you know that, yesterday, presumptive Republican nominee and cost of our own collective sins Donald Trump ate a taco bowl for lunch? Of course you do. Because for the rest of the day (and well into the night), people couldn’t stop talking about that goddamn tweet. It was phenomenal.

Don't Blow This

Alex Pareene · 05/06/16 11:15AM

It’s Trump versus Clinton. It’s a well-funded mainstream Democrat against a widely reviled demagogue who will struggle to earn the support of his party’s donor base. It’s a man whose every public utterance is a potential negative ad waiting to be cut, versus the most cautious candidate in modern memory. The Clinton campaign has been given a tremendous gift, as I am sure they know.

Jon Stewart Still Alive, Apparently Aware Donald Trump Is the Republican Nominee

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/06/16 11:00AM

Jon Stewart isn’t dead but he might as well be—the man hasn’t appeared on television in months, leaving the once-robust television-blog ecosystem shriveled and weak in the hands of that guy who replaced him (if he’s even still on the air.) But rejoice! This week Stewart popped up at the United Service Organization 75th anniversary event at the Joint Base Andrews in Maryland to introduce Joe Biden, and if you can even believe it—he made a joke about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Wears a Hat

Hudson Hongo · 05/05/16 10:30PM

At a campaign rally in West Virginia on Thursday, Donald Trump put on a hat. Specifically, a coal man’s hat for men who mine coal. It served as a convenient excuse for Trump discuss an issue near and dear to his head: Hairspray.

Donald Trump at Work, Looking at Bikini Photos of His Ex-Wife

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/05/16 05:10PM

Here’s Donald Trump at his desk, doing what he does best: Pandering to a group of people he’d previously insulted. Featured alongside his thoughts on where the best taco bowls are made (Trump Tower) and who he loves (Hispanics), is a photograph of his ex-wife in a bikini, spread open on his desk. Life is such a rich tapestry.

Republicans on Donald Trump, Their Beloved Nominee

Alex Pareene · 05/05/16 12:42PM

Donald Trump has sewn up the Republican presidential nomination. This presents something of a dilemma for the many Republicans who have spent the last few months going on television and saying very unkind things about Donald Trump.

A Brief History of Accusations That Donald Trump Cheats at Golf

Andy Cush · 05/05/16 12:17PM

Donald Trump almost certainly cheats at golf. He denies this vehemently, just as he denies that there is violence at his campaign rallies. (There is definitely violence at his campaign rallies.) And while we may not have video of Donald secretly moving his ball into the fairway, the way we do of his supporters punching people, there are plenty of people who have come out and said they saw the cheating firsthand.