
Blogorrhea NYC: Change Is Bad

Jesse · 03/03/06 03:04PM

• People like the West Village because it's pretty and old and, except for those glass-fronted ridiculousnesses over by the river, hasn't been destroyed by rapacious developers. Until now, when rapacious developers want to put an even-uglier Sculpture for Living on Greenwich Avenue. Historic district, shmistoric district.* [Curbed]
• You've got to fight. For your right. To buy havaaaaaaaarti! [Atlas Shrugs]
• Not getting enough city-bird news since Mary Tyler Moore won a stunning victory over her coop board? Well, there's this: The Fordham hawks are back. [City Birder]
• This is what it sounds like when fish cry. [Gothamist]

Blogorrhea NYC: Sober and Single

Jesse · 03/01/06 04:59PM

• This guy quit drinking so you wouldn't have to. Turns out sobriety isn't all its cracked up to be. [Hi-Fi NY]
• Yes, your nail girl is better educated than you are. [Drunk and Single]
• We really cannot think of a worse analogy for dating in New York than the stock market, but maybe that's why we're single. [TAN]

Blogorrhea NYC: Encounters with Trannies, Mutants, Clowns, and Overpriced Drugs

Jesse · 02/27/06 05:02PM

• Trannies, plastic surgery, and mutants — pretty much what we always figured a trip out to Brooklyn's Target would involve. [Darren Mc Likes Himself]
• So a clown and a rabbi are walking through Harlem.... [NYC's Funniest Rabbi]
• Here's one thing those cost-of-living calculators won't tell you: The cost of street drugs in NYC is about twice that in San Francisco. [Seeing the World in Wide Screen]

Blogorrhea NYC: From Fannies to Tucheses

Jesse · 02/24/06 03:38PM

• Just what you've always feared: It's the return of the fanny-pack. [The Social Cavity]
• The rich really are different from you and me; they have more books. [The World of Cherie]
• As we don't typically leave the apartment before noon, we were unaware that NYC gyms are dominated by women in the early morning. Good to know. [The IJC]
• Today in Andrew Krucoff: The Young Manhattanite/Israelite returns to blogging to bring us a homestyle music video. [Young Isrealite]

Blogorrhea NYC: You're Reading This From a Machine

Jesse · 02/22/06 04:15PM

• We're pretty sure this is an important moment in man-robot relations: requesting Xanax from a machine. [Forksplit]
• Yep. Just what we always thought. Whatever reason a chick gives for why she moved to New York, what she really means is that she moved here for a guy. [Tales of a Delectable Redhead]
• But if they turns Governor's Island into a sex-and-drugs Xanadu, then what would the Lower East Side be for? [Cocaine Corner]
• Too drunk on Valentine's Day to send your sweetie flowers? Try one of these belated Valentine's Day cards [Heaneyland]
• The Bowlmor girls give up on bowling and go all Last Night's Party in the men's room. [Copyranter]

Blogorrhea NYC: Bloggers Dig Car Service Drivers and Strippers But Not Oversexed Teenagers

Jesse · 02/15/06 05:20PM

• Sometimes, when it's late and the mood is right, it's okay to sing love songs with your car service driver. [Lindsayism]
• Why can't the weird squirmy girl in the coffee shop be more like your favorite stripper? (Ewww warning: This made us squirmy too.) [Strippers Versus DVDs]
• When teenagers on subways are having better sex than you, it's a good bet Valentine's Day is going to suck. [Teddy Ann]
• Is the Upper West Side really just a "bizzaro Murray Hill nursing home"? [The IJC]
• Need a Central Park West apartment with lots of space, beautiful detailing, a 35mm screening room, and — if you ask us — hideous living-room drapes? Good news: Harvey Weinstein's old duplex is for sale. [The Real Estate/NYO]

Blogorrhea NYC: Are Uggs Still Whorish In A Blizzard?

Jesse · 02/13/06 04:45PM

• Newsflash: It snowed in New York this weekend. Some women still wore improbable heels. Which raises the question, "Don't they know this is pretty much the only day they could actually wear Uggs and not get called whores?" [Metroblog NYC]
• Duane Reade doesn't care if you don't need the receipt. They don't
need it either. [The Search for Love
in Manhattan]
• As it turns out, New York City is not as bad as portrayed in violent video games. [Vertical Eyebrows]

Blogorrhea NYC: Gaming the System

Jesse · 02/10/06 05:00PM

• So the Board of Education created an extra 37.5-minute period for struggling students to get extra help. At least one teacher has already figured out how to cope with the extra work: Choose students who won't show up. [Unaccountable Talk]
• Tips for moving back in with your parents: Buy your own groceries, do your own laundry, and — we'd have to add — only fuck quiet people. [Fresh Pepper]
• It's not just your imagination: City buses really do move slower than the people walking on the sidewalk. [Felber Frolics]
• Here's your chance to win a date with "a completely depraved, hateful, disgustingly misogynistic and perverted human being who would no doubt bypass judgment and go straight to hell if there were a such thing as the afterlife," [This Place Is Dead Anyway]

Blogorrhea NYC: Fashion Week is for Brawlers and Bigots, but Not So Much for Regional Reporters

Jesse · 02/09/06 04:40PM

• Fashion Week is a cold, cruel place for a reporter from a regional paper. [Samantha In the City]
• Fashion Week Fight Club: Models vs. Stylists [Gurgly]
• And, really, what would Fashion Week be without a little homophobic anti-Semitism? [ It's Right Where You Left It]
• This might actually be the new motto for Gawker interns: "Googling my dates is not preventing my from losing my virginity, but the two things may be related because not having a girlfriend gives me more time to surf the web and hone my web searching skills." [Almost 40 Year Old Virgin]
• We stand corrected. The crazed stamp-search to whom we referred the other day was not an OCD bride but rather an OCD maid of honor, who is, as she goes to great lengths to remind us, most certainly single. [Pink Pelvis]

Blogorrhea NYC: When Skunks and Brides Attack

Jesse · 02/07/06 04:00PM

• You Hell's Kitchen kids think your bedbug infestation is bad? Up in Washington Heights they've got fucking skunk attacks. [Fish Drink Water]
• When your fiancee visits three post offices in two boroughs, all in one day, in search of just the right stamp for the wedding invitations, you know it's true love. That, or an obsessive complusive disorder. [Pink Pelvis]
• A grown man who has been without sex for over a year goes for a massage wearing Loony Tunes underwear, becomes aroused and, well, we couldn't make it to the end of the next sentence: "In fact, I was reminded of the time when, as a child, my mother had taken me...." [1-2-3 I Love You]
• Photoblogging the transformation of Bryant Park from ice rink to Fashion Week tent. [Dahl's House]

Blogorrhea NYC: Sniffing Around Town

Jesse · 02/06/06 05:25PM

• Sometimes it takes a dateless, foreign-born stripper to channel the inner thoughts of every blogger in New York: "'All I want,' I sigh, over capuccino tainted by the antiseptic smell of listerine across my fingers, 'is a dog, an apartment and a book deal.'" [Mimi In New York]
• Why do some cabs smell so bad? The explanation is much worse than you thought. [New York Hack]
• We wouldn't take real-estate advice from an interdisciplinary acupuncturist, either. [Finslippy]
• Apparently, you can't fuck in Siberia anymore. Damn. [Sweet Blog O' Mine

Blogorrhea NYC: And It's Not Even From Carlos D.

Jesse · 02/03/06 04:38PM

• Well, if you're going to get herpes at a Chelsea bar — and, let's face it, you probably are — you might as well get celebrity herpes. [Logged Hours]
• The power of TiVo reveals the secret ingredient in Coke: rat poo. []
• New York has Blackface Jesus. Latin America has Old Man Disco Jesus. []
• Lindsayism offers up the latest round of readers' high-deas, including Cheez-n-Ham Wiz. Mmmm. Ham. [Lindsayism]

Blogorrhea NYC: We Knew a Jew Pisces Once

Jesse · 02/02/06 05:15PM

Today Blogorrhea bids a fond farewell to Intern Hugh, who now has a real job someplace, and welcomes Intern John, who does not.
• Beware the Jew Cancer in the "Gallery District." [You Can't Make it Up]
• Brooklyn real estate and the amazing paper Craigslist. [Daily Heights]
• There's at least one girl in midtown who gets totally hot for guys with lattes. [Overheard in New York]
• If you can deliver "nice" seats for a Broadway show — ones you won't even have to pay for — a great place to stay in India could be yours! [Besotted]
• When the super and a resident fight via notes posted in the building, it's fun for everyone! [Apartment Therapy]

Blogorrhea NYC: When Cabbies Give You Meat

Jesse · 02/01/06 05:05PM

• We've played "Guess What Meat This Is" in the back of a cab before, but never with the cabbie. [NYC Stories]
• Doesn't Paul Rudd look uncomfortable and out of place enough in the first place, even before he decides to wear a tux to the UCB Theater? [The Apiary]
• Feel incomplete without a few thousand words on what it's like to see a pretentious French philosopher (but we repeat ourselves) speak on the Upper East Side? Us, either. Someone must, though. [FishbowlNY]

Blogorrhea NYC: The Guy on Your Corner Is Getting More Tail Than You Are

Jesse · 01/31/06 04:40PM

• We lost interest somewhere in the middle — the dude writes a little long — but we think the moral is this: Homeless people have sex, too. [This Place Is Dead Anyway]
• Reason to live in New York No. 408: Other places have radio stations that play Christmas music all year long. Oy. [Jen Is Famous]
• On a day like today, most of you are staring out your boss' window (which you can just see over the wall of your cubicle) dreaming of summer, or staying home, or tickets to Aruba. Here's a preview of what some concert-in-the-park shows lined up for this summer, to whet your imagination. [Brooklyn Vegan]
• And here we thought the only cats allowed in Key Food supermarkets were the ones in the meat counter. [A Brooklyn Life]

Blogorrhea NYC: Protest All You Want, You'll Still Never Afford to Live There

Jesse · 01/30/06 05:16PM

• If this is supposed to be a protest flyer tacked to a Fort Greene wall, it's not a very good one: Our first thought upon seeing it was, "Huh, that building looks pretty cool." [Set Speed]
• Especially for those of you with a fetish for people in chicken suits — and we know you're out there — this year's Idiotarod must have been a dream come true. [Calla Lillie]
• There are of course crazy blonde ladies all over Manhattan. Is it wrong that every time we see one we wonder if it's Amy Sedaris in disguise? [New York Hack]
• Who knew that White Castle served up romance along with sliders? [A Hamburger Today]