• You Hell's Kitchen kids think your bedbug infestation is bad? Up in Washington Heights they've got fucking skunk attacks. [Fish Drink Water]
• When your fiancee visits three post offices in two boroughs, all in one day, in search of just the right stamp for the wedding invitations, you know it's true love. That, or an obsessive complusive disorder. [Pink Pelvis]
• A grown man who has been without sex for over a year goes for a massage wearing Loony Tunes underwear, becomes aroused and, well, we couldn't make it to the end of the next sentence: "In fact, I was reminded of the time when, as a child, my mother had taken me...." [1-2-3 I Love You]
• Photoblogging the transformation of Bryant Park from ice rink to Fashion Week tent. [Dahl's House]