
Blogorrhea NYC: The People Who You Meet

Jesse · 04/06/06 05:30PM

• It's hard to escape the crazies when you're running in place. [Logged Hours]
• It's not the trips that are dangerous. It's the luggage claim at JFK? [The Muk Report]
• Spring brings out the short skirts. Which brings out the creepy guys with videocameras. Who post the video — with soundtrack, even — to the web. Which really, really skeeves us out. [I Do Nothing All Day]
• Angry at the ASPCA? Sending them your blood will express your frustration. Or else land you in jail. [Languor Management]
• It's houseguest season. Anyone have any idea what to do with all these people who know nothing about New York? [Unhappy Medium]

Blogorrhea NYC: How to Ride an Elevator

Jesse · 04/05/06 05:27PM

• Racism is alive and well in the elevators of Wall Street. At least, the amusing, unintential kind of racism. [The Daily Dump]
• Do Chanel sunglasses and a fab Union Square desk job make up for a two-hour commute from Rockland County? No, they do not. [LianneStokes]
• NYC singles, Florida has a message for you: Please shut the hell up and make out already. [White Dade]

Blogorrhea NYC: Thin Mints in Midtown

Jesse · 04/03/06 05:15PM

[Ed. note: Today we bid a fond farewell to Intern John — for some silly reason, he seems to think there's a better use for his J.D. than reading blogs for us all day — and welcome Intern Heather. Give her a big hand.]
• Girl Scout cookie season has arrived in New York, and, thank God, so far nobody's been hurt. [Tales of a Delectable Redhead]
• Some places are appropriate for using your blogger persona. Some are not. Which is the Shake Shack? [Fresh Pepper]
• Single women of New York rejoice: Men you've rejected are leaving town, one by one. Unless they're not. [This Is What We Do Now]

Blogorrhea NYC: Why Are People Inside on the Internet on Such a Nice Day?

Jesse · 03/31/06 03:49PM

• An etiquette question Emily Post, surprisingly, has never addressed: How to behave while getting a blowjob from a dude in the bathroom of an East Village straight bar. [Hot Johnny]
• Collecting unemployment is a lot like having a job. But without the indignity of having to work. [Things That Make You Go Hmmm]
• Here's a good way to prove you are nothing like the obsessive, pushy lawyer chick from Sex and the City: Write a 1,500 word blog post arguing your case. [Unhappy Medium]
• On Houston Street, you can get your bagel buttered by a totally hot Russian chick. []
• Breaking up with your mortgage lender is hard to do. [Maccers]

Blogorrhea NYC: Falafel Fight Club

Jesse · 03/28/06 04:55PM

• Geoppolitics, lunchtime-in-New York style: The first rule of Falafel Fight Club is that you don't mess with the Mexicans. [Languor Management]
• Here's one cause we won't be joining: "We need to have some general concern about our criminals private areas." Which is not to say we disagree that the West 4th station isn't the cleanest place in the world. [Bloggy Blog]
• New York dating raises the eternal questions. Like, if Hitler or Ghandi were the last men left to date on earth, who would you go for? [Desperate Guy]

Blogorrhea NYC: What Not to Wear

Jesse · 03/27/06 05:40PM

• Even in the height of summer in the East Village, lowrise jeans and backless shirts are not a happy combination. In March, it's even worse. [PetroleumJellife]
• Double-decker tourist bus spotted in Brooklyn; residents pissed and armed with eggs. [MetblogsNYC]
• Lots of booze, little food, and running into a favorite SNL cast member. Things won't end well. [LianneStokes]
• What New York's emptier heads read each morning. [The State That I Am In]
• Finally, something for the "suspects" to do all day at Gimro: "New York Blitz" — a retro videogame circa 1983 — features aliens attacking the WTC. Freedom-hating fun! []

Blogorrhea NYC: Chocolate Pussy and Homeless Ass-Crack

Jesse · 03/22/06 03:10PM

• More pleasures of Trader Joe's: Everyone loves the chocolate pussy. [Tomato Diaries]
• It's like Superman, if Superman were a cracked-out homeless guy. [City Rag]
• The bird watching at the Audubon Society is, apparently, for the birds. [Bird Chaser]
• This is exactly how a job interview is not supposed to go. [Fresh Pepper]
• As it turns out, men on internet dating sites sometimes lie about thing. [Drunk and Single in NY]
• If bloggers all live on the Lower East Side, politicos apparently all now live on Kenmare Square. [The Real Estate/NYO]

Blogorrhea NYC: Don't Go To Bed With Anyone

Jesse · 03/14/06 04:10PM

• You know that club in Chelsea you've never been too? Yeah, it's just as bad as you feared. And the line for the bathroom makes it hard to do coke. [Repetition Compulsion]
• The universal blogger epitaph: "In retrospect, it now seems completely idiotic to have documented, in writing, the types of things I've documented on this site, and for that, I'll always be sorry." [Cocaine Corner]
• The Corner Bistro: Crowded, dirty and still serving really, really good burgers. [Twenty Bucks A Day]

Blogorrhea NYC: A Bird, a Bag, and a Really Bad Fruit Salad

Jesse · 03/09/06 05:30PM

• Pigeons ride the subway a lot, and that's fine. So long as they don't take up more than one seat. [Anakela]
• Shockingly, sometimes companies get frustrated with their cokehead employees who can't manage to show up on time. (Blog empires, on the other hand, have no similar qualms.) [Cocaine Corner]
• Once again we're reminded that the key to a successful relationship isn't honesty. It's knowing when to shut the fuck up. [Fresh Pepper (second item)]

Blogorrhea NYC: Finding the Pretty in Pollution

Jessica · 03/06/06 05:20PM

• Like women and whiskey, the Gowanus Canal is at its most beautiful when it is at its most poisonous.
Brooklyn Life]
• Deadspin's Will Leitch tries to avenge NYC against famous 7-train hating pitcher John Rocker in Bryant Park and...strikes out. Serves Will right; bastard won our Oscar pool. [Deadspin]
• Remember how it kind of pissed you off that all your friends in Montauk wanted to do was get stoned on the beach last summer? Just be glad you didn't take the share on Fire Island. [New York Hack]
• A giant blue monster attacked 14th Street the other day, and peyote was not involved.
[What About the Plastic Animals]