Fake anti-piracy campaign proves Microsoft haters lifeless, friendless
Nick Douglas · 06/20/06 07:21PMWord.
Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 07:51PM
Bill Gates's Microsoft retirement memo didn't need such a fancy translation. His Valleyspeak could be summed up with a classic trick from Slate. The online magazine pulled out an archived article from its days as a Microsoft property. The schtick: use MS Word's Autosummarize feature to whittle a document down to the nitty gritty.
Valleyspeak: Bill Gates's internal e-mail
Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 11:14AM
Another official memo, another official string of bull: After his retirement announcement, Microsoft founder Bill Gates sent an all-hands internal memo that the press passed around this weekend. The Valleyspeak dialect has a native speaker up in MS's Redmond HQ, so pay attention to what Gates says and what he means.
Gates' retirement was a message to eBay
Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 09:00AMExperts.Microsoft.FR hacked! (an I-should-get-paid-for-these weekend post)
Nick Douglas · 06/18/06 02:41PM
As of Sunday afternoon, Microsoft France was, well, partially invaded by Turkish hackers redLine, rudeb0y, Ejder, The_Bekir, SaCReDSeeR, and ASH (sic). The kiddies took down the subdomain and slapped up a notice promising to hack So far, the front page of (which redirects to is unharmed.
Microsoft learns how to deny products (instead of the reverse)
Nick Douglas · 06/16/06 11:56PMFlawless loss (or, B.G. is G.W.B.)
Nick Douglas · 06/16/06 10:34PMHow to make news from nothing: The Inquirer's hyperbole
Nick Douglas · 06/16/06 04:40PMHow to turn down a buyout: lessons from Digg, Facebook, and Chris Pirillo
Nick Douglas · 06/15/06 07:10PMValleyspeak: Why Bill Gates' "transition" means "he's retired"
Nick Douglas · 06/15/06 05:23PM
Microsoft just announced that in 2008, chairman Bill Gates will "transition out of a day-to-day role" as chief software architect and focus on his non-profit, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Of course, it's a fancy way to say Gates is retiring. A veteran Valley journalist says, "'Chairman' is Silicon Valley for 'don't wanna work any more.' It's also code for 'visionary' which is, in turn, code for 'can't get a product out the door.'"
Pressthink: Google hasn't won the Borg War
Nick Douglas · 06/14/06 05:31PMHandicap the Robert Scoble 2.0 race
Nick Douglas · 06/13/06 07:14PMNext Scoble #2: RoboScoble
Nick Douglas · 06/13/06 05:22PMWho's the next Scoble? Candidate 1: Microsoft's Niall Kennedy
Nick Douglas · 06/13/06 09:30AMWho's the next Robert Scoble?
Nick Douglas · 06/12/06 10:00AMEmergency weekend post: OMG Scoble dumped Microsoft
Nick Douglas · 06/11/06 07:05PM
In case you have a life on the weekends, you ought to know that famed Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble is now just blogger Robert Scoble. Shocking, yes! Tom Foremski broke the news on Saturday (when you were at a barbecue or party or something — loser) and soon Scoble was up on his blog yelling that the rumors are false.