DOJ wants Google, MS, and AOL to screw us over
Nick Douglas · 06/02/06 01:33PMHide the porn and stop searching for "Bush is a loser" — the US government today asked Internet companies to keep records of e-mails and web searches. Not demanded — they'd need Congress's approval for that — but asked. Like, as a favor, in between the Chinese censorship and the Nazi collaboration. The Attorney General and FBI director made this request to AOL, Microsoft, Comcast, and Google (and Verizon, a known informant). Who will sell us out first? Let's guess!
Microsoft and IBM: The new flipmeat chowhounds
Nick Douglas · 06/01/06 04:34PMWSJ makes Ballmer an Orc
Nick Douglas · 06/01/06 03:19PMSteve Ballmer fails to scream "Investors! Investors! Investors!"
Nick Douglas · 05/31/06 08:09PMRemainders: The first rule of Silicon Valley fight club is, squeal like a girl
Nick Douglas · 05/30/06 08:18PMMicrosoft, confused, sends Ballmer as a diplomat
Nick Douglas · 05/30/06 05:55PMMicrosoft cheaps out on free USB ports
Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 03:52PMWhere are the baiters?
Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 03:15PMGuest post: Chris Coulter's Microsoft Mess, parts #31,761-31,774
Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 11:00AMWhatever resident Microsoft-maligner Chris Coulter (a Man Without a Blog) does during the day, it left him time to compile a massive list of Microsoft's current messes. One suspects he's actually counted #1 through #31,760.
The Ballmer morale boost: Hand out towels, lay off a thousand workers
Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 12:29PMValleyspeak: Why Steve Ballmer is so out
Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 12:02PMNiggly bits: Ballmer's getting fired
Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 10:00AMTwas the year before Google (or, A Visit from Saint Moneybags)
Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 09:00AMSun and MS makin' out on the dance floor
Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 12:05PMMicrosoft and the DoD work on Virtual Earth
Nick Douglas · 05/18/06 01:25PMEngadget's Ryan Block: "This isn't an exclusive?"
Nick Douglas · 05/16/06 08:08PM
AOL gizmo blog Engadget ain't no small-town outlet, and managing editor Ryan Block don't wanna share his subjects. That's why, when Block and crew walk into an in-conference press event with Microsoft XBox exec Peter Moore (five minutes late) and see other bloggers (including tech heavyweight Chris Pirillo), Block mumbles, "Oh, this isn't an exclusive." You can hear him five minutes into this video on tech blog Gear Live.
Let's do launch: MacBook, AOL UnCut, G-Notebook, and Yahoo
Nick Douglas · 05/16/06 04:55PMJust so we all know what we're snarking this week, here's what the Big 3 5 7 plus or minus 2 are rolling out.
Remainders: To the CrunchCave!
Nick Douglas · 05/15/06 11:44PM- Ballmer, Brin, and the other big boys take potshots. Google's Sergey Brin about Microsoft: "We just see the history of that company behaving anti-competitively and not playing fair." MS's Steve Ballmer about Google: "Can you imagine writing a letter to someone. 'Hey, Mom, I am upset with the gun policy.' Then an ad pops up and says, 'Hey, do you want to buy a gun?'" Yahoo's Terry Semel about Microsoft: "My impartial advice to Microsoft is that you have no chance." []