Only you can kill Google in China
Nick Douglas · 07/18/06 07:24PM
Hang with government informants! Bribe execs from Baidu! Microsoft, which recently lost the exec in charge of kicking Google's ass, is currently hunting for an official Google-fighting point man in China. This seems like a great chance to live out those power fantasies of your childhood in a market where competition means more than who has the better engineering department. In China, it's all about tattling on your competitor, jailing dissidents, and buying into the censorship culture. How refreshing after this mamby-pamby liberal Valley environment!
Who's moving where: Sony DRM catcher now works for the man
Nick Douglas · 07/18/06 02:32PMJobless exec haunts MSN offices
Nick Douglas · 07/14/06 09:37AMRemainders: Vista launches Thursday, doesn't say which Thursday
Nick Douglas · 07/11/06 07:08PMOption 4: "Tired of all that is good in the world"
Nick Douglas · 07/11/06 10:30AMWired would title this "The New Economy"
Nick Douglas · 07/07/06 06:49PMSo when will MS HQ really get built?
Nick Douglas · 07/05/06 09:30AM
Despite a rumored round of layoffs, the world's biggest software maker won't turn into Mini-Microsoft any time soon. Instead, Bill Gate's empire is expanding its already massive 30,000-employee headquarters in Redmond for up to 12,000 more workers (or, as the New York Times grimly puts it, "bodies").
Shallow pockets sue deep ones
Nick Douglas · 07/05/06 09:00AMThe Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle
Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PMNew Microsoft team revealed
Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 02:44PMGuest troll: Stick a Vic in it, it's done
Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 01:03PMThe defection of Microsoft's platform evangelist Vic Gundotra to Google, days after MS's Google assassin Martin Taylor slunk off, is more than a bad sign. According to Microsoft troll Chris Coulter, it's — well, picture a comically large stack of soup cans in a Disney movie. Now pull one can from the bottom layer. Chris plays war correspondent in this speed-and-liquor-fueled totally sober doomsaying guest post.
Quick, let's make chair-throwing jokes
Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 10:31AMFive reasons no one will replace Google
Nick Douglas · 06/28/06 09:30AM
"I've received 33,000+ hits and counting to this post," says the blogger who wrote "Wikipedia 3.0: The End of Google?" on Monday. His piece got blogged all over, promoted to the Digg front page, and fueled the starry-eyed bloggers searching for doom to herald for Google. (It was also just a troll.) Kudos to him, but he — and everyone who believed him — was wrong.