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Candidate two in the search for the new Robert Scoble is RoboScoble (conceived by Candidate One, Niall Kennedy). Niall points to a feed of Windows Live bloggers, but imagine the possibilities of a real virtual Scoble:

  • Candidate: RoboScoble
  • Current position: In alpha testing
  • Background: Ten years trolling IRC channels and baiting Apple users. Most Mac fans unable to distinguish the bot from a real Microsoft fan. No one's sure who should be more offended by that.
  • Major qualification: Unlike Scoble, bots don't need income, so Microsoft would save, like, $20k a year.
  • Downside: Can't read without letting him check your computer for pirated software.

Candidate 1: Niall Kennedy [Valleywag]
Part of: Who's the next Robert Scoble? [Valleywag]