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Who's the next Robert Scoble, asked Valleywag, after the A-list blogger left Microsoft this weekend. Sure, there are dozens of Microsoft bloggers working on Windows Live alone, but they're all too boring and qualified. The blogosphere needs someone who's all talk to fill the Scoble shoes.

This week we'll feature five candidates for the position of Top Microsoft Blogger. The first: Niall Kennedy.

  • Candidate: Niall Kennedy
  • Current position: Feed syndication developer for Microsoft's Windows Live
  • Background: Recently left blog search startup Technorati, where he was Community Manager and Guy Who Doesn't Get Along With Jason DeFillippo
  • Major qualifications: Already works for Microsoft, already blogs, already well-fed white male

Next: RoboScoble, the as-yet undelivered not-as-cool-as-it-sounded Scoble bot engineered by Niall.

Earlier: Who's the next Robert Scoble? [Valleywag]
Photo: Niall Kennedy [Early Sound on Flickr]