Emergency weekend post: OMG Scoble dumped Microsoft

In case you have a life on the weekends, you ought to know that famed Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble is now just blogger Robert Scoble. Shocking, yes! Tom Foremski broke the news on Saturday (when you were at a barbecue or party or something — loser) and soon Scoble was up on his blog yelling that the rumors are false.
Right, right, it's obvious why Microsoft's emergency backup yes-man left the company — less than two months ago, he vowed:
No more unhappy people in my life.
Congrats on achieving a goal, Rob!
Microsoft's top blogger Robert Scoble is leaving.... [Silicon Valley Watcher]
Correctintg the Record about Microsoft [Scobleizer]
Photo: Glowstick Revenge [RachelC on Flickr]