
College Kids Maintaining, Bro

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/09 02:22PM

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs—the most popular journal—found that the binge-drinking and unprotected sex habits of students at America's drunkest colleges has barely changed since the early 90s. So what's the problem, right? High-five. [JSAD]

'Not Having Kids' Is the New 'Having Kids'

Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/09 12:00PM

The Way We Live Now: Alone. Abandon the kids! Or better yet, don't have the kids in the first place. They're the reason you're broke. And they'll just grow up to hide out in tax havens and rob taco trucks.

Meet New York's Worst Food Nazi Mom

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/09 02:45PM

We support the idea that kids should eat healthy food. Theoretically. But when it involves a crazy mom ranting against birthday cupcakes and battling Girl Scout cookies, we must demur. Meet MeMe Roth, publicist and food Nazi mother:

Survivalism Is the New Urbanism

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/09 12:42PM

The Way We Live Now: Not the way you think. It's not a pay cut; it's the new work-sharing. It's not stealing; it's the new honesty. It's not homelessness; it's the new camping.

Are You a Future Gangster?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/09 10:28AM

In LA they have lots of gangs. How to determine if a child will grow up to be a vicious gangbanger? The city—with scientific help—has developed a test! Find out your future, below: