
Shrewd Teens Drink to Fall Down

Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/09 11:53AM

The authorities tried to help kids drink responsibly by putting the exact alcohol content right there on the bottle, but—to their dismay—kids just use this valuable information to get more fucked up:

People Still Care About College Sex Mags

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/09 12:33PM

As long as college kids remain edgy, there will be college sex magazines. And as long as there are a few olds with no sense of mockery, they will be scandalized by them. Still!

On 'Police Brutality'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/09 10:30AM

Today, there's another video of a college kid wailing while being arrested. We never thought it would come to this, but we're officially sympathizing with cops. Let's review the concept of "Police brutality," kids:

Parents Make Kids Eat Health Food Till They Die!

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/09 09:35AM

It's Thursday—the day when the New York Times Style section constructs tenuous trend stories designed to infuriate us about largely illusory issues! Woo hoo! Today's trend: crazy parents turn their kids into health food zombies!

Kids Smoking Pipes Without Crack!

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/09 12:16PM

"For me to have an iPhone in one hand and a pipe in the other is not unusual," says a 20-something at the vanguard of the crazy new trend, (reaching in grab bag) with pipes!

Real Life Gossip Girl Coming to Bravo

Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/09 12:48PM

The Bravo network is planning a real live realistic reality show about private school kids in Manhattan. It's Gossip Girl for those who prefer reality television! Because people love despising rich kids.

Let's Talk Inanely About Hot Teen Sex!

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/08 12:54PM

"For those over 30 years old: hooking up is a casual sexual encounter with no expectation of future emotional commitment." So begins another god damn op-ed about wet, wild youngster sex.