Book Store Trying to Make Kids Nerdy

Borders, a seller of printed "books," is trying to trick America's youth into thinking that buying popular "books" about vampires is cooler than buying record albums of hip hop, for example. Yea right.
Borders is opening a bazillion teen-targeted stores-within-stores full of Twilight nerdery, etc., to get kids to read, with no style at all.
The Borders Ink shops, which will stock graphic novels, fantasy and young-adult titles together, are expected to be available in 80% to 90% of the 513 superstores Borders operates nationwide by the end of August. Some have already opened in Michigan.
The space for the departments has often been carved from areas that previously sold music and DVDs, whose popularity has faded with bookstore shoppers.

So what Borders is saying is that Twilight comic books are cooler than Wu-Tang, which is just not true.
[WSJ. Pic via]