Rich Homeowners vs. Raucous College Kids in Sexxxy Stereotype Fight

You learn something new every day: Second-string NYC borough Queens is home to one of the city's "wealthiest communities!" Furthermore, the laughably stereotypical residents of this community are locked in a laughably stereotypical class war with laughably stereotypical college kids.
The New York Post reports (although this story's at least a couple years old) that the rich muckety-mucks living in Jamaica Estates—a neighborhood that, despite being located in Queens, is home to affluent people—have some handkerchief-fluttering things to say about these kids from St. Johns living in their hood:
"We're talking about loud behavior, disruptive behavior . . . students exposing themselves, having sex on the street, all kinds of things you don't want your children exposed to," said Romaine Johnson, 62.
Haha, "exposed." Other neighbors are reportedly "petrified" and "talking about what's going to happen every Friday and Saturday night," which is understandable what with all the street-fucking going on outside. Queens is not so bad after all!
Also home to the Fightin' New York Mets!