
Gossip roundup

Gawker · 08/06/03 12:29PM

· The Daily News on NYT Mag editor Adam Moss's move to overseeing the Culture, the Style sections, the Magazine, the Book Review, Travel, Circuits, Real Estate, Escapes and the Special Sections: "We presume the Corrections department will continue to report to the News section."
[NY Daily News]
· Screw publisher Al Goldstein on why his business is struggling: "The Village Voice took away all my hooker ads" [Page Six]
· Bill Clinton is playing strategist for California governor Gray Davis. [Page Six]
· Jersey rocker Jon Bon Jovi is buying a pro football team. [Page Six]

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 08/06/03 11:38AM

[Gawker stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send to tips@gawker.com or leave in the comments field below.]
· 9:39 AM: I just saw Anna Wintour crossing 6th Avenue on 42nd Street walking towards the Conde Nast Building with some sort of Venti Starbucks drink. She was wearing an outfit that reminded me of dolce di leche ice cream and was (of course) hiding behind big sunglasses. I was suprised to see her mingling with the midtown crowds - I assumed she always bolted from her Town Car straight into the office building.
· Spotted arriving late at Le Pescadou and taking a big table with a group of what looked like fellow actors: Jeremy Davies and Natasha Lyonne. Jeremy had a trucker cap on over long stringy hair and a scruffy beard. Natasha had some kind of 80's retro sweatsuit thing going on, couldn't really decipher the underlying sartorial philosophy. They sat for about an hour and looked to be in a somewhat deep discussion. ALSO on King Street: Famke Janssen in red t-shirt and denim skirt walking her little black dog.

Membership clubs in New York

Gawker · 08/06/03 09:41AM

Speaking of Soho House, The Observer has a rundown of new membership clubs in New York and who their respective owners are trying to target ("a-list," "high-end" people, of course.) It also mentions the price of membership and requirements. For the new Core Club it's $25,000 a year plus $1,000 a month. Soho House, by comparison, is probably cheaper than your gym membership$900 annually. The snobbier, older and country/yacht clubsMaidstone, Knickerbocker, etc.are omitted, possibly because they're not new, and possibly because they're not fashionable. (It's slightly declasse among Gen-X-ers to be overtly/economically elitist, which doesn't bode well for the Core Club. Part of Soho House's cachet is their "we admit struggling, albeit fashionable, artists" policy.)
Clubs make big comeback [Observer]

Matthew Freud on Soho House NY

Gawker · 08/06/03 09:15AM

Matthew Freud (English uber-flack, married to Elisabeth Murdoch, nephew of Lucian Freud, great grandson of Sigmund Freud) on where he stays in New York: "For business: Soho House in New York. I loathe New York because it's not
home, but Soho House is. You don't hear an American accent when you're there and you don't meet anyone not from Notting Hill, which is where I live. The danger when you travel for business for not very long is to have fun. There is a lot of temptation in Soho House and you have to try hard to resist. I went there with my daughter onceshe's two and a half. She didn't sleep on the plane so I tucked her up in bed and went to the bar, where I got on the wrong side of four martinis. I returned at 2:30 AM. At 2:35 AM she work up and stayed up. I'm not sure my clients got their money's worth that day." C'mon Matthew. From that description I'm not sure you've even been to Soho House. Only 15% of the membership is British and you "don't hear an American accent?" Unless Liev Schreiber's still in Henry V mode (Wilt thou bring me another martini, good sir?) I'm pretty sure most of the accents there are American. And the "temptations of Soho House?" I like the bar myself, but it's a bar; not an orgy.
[Management Today]

Larry Flynt invites you to pray for the death of Bill O'Reilly

Gawker · 08/05/03 04:28PM

Hustler publisher Larry Flynt has called for a national day of prayerfor conservative talk show host Bill O'Reilly's death. (Flynt has a history of antagonizing Christian conservatives and was once sued by Rev. Jerry Falwell for running a spoof ad in which Falwell supposedly spoke graphically about his "first time.") "If O'Reilly dies," says Flynt, "it must be God's will."
National prayer day [LarryFlynt.com]

NYC weather

Gawker · 08/05/03 01:01PM

From LasagnaFarm: "I'm sick of all this rain in NYC. I'm ordering water at every restaurant I go to and not drinking it. That'll show mother nature I'm not messing around."
Too Much Rain [LasagnaFarm]

More Gigli

Gawker · 08/05/03 12:45PM

Rotten Tomatoes has the definitive collection of bad "Gigli" reviews. (99 rotten tomatoes out of 107, if you're wondering.) Some excerpts:
· "Gigli is so horrible I had to go cleanse my palate afterward by
watching Glitter." Danny Minton, KBTV-NBC (BEAUMONT, TX)
· "Such an utter wreck of a movie you expect to see it lying on its side somewhere in rural Pennsylvania, with a small gang of engineers circling and a wisp of smoke rising from the caboose." - Stephen Whitty, (NEWARK STAR-LEDGER)
· "One of the worst movies I've ever seen." - Richard Roeper, (EBERT & ROEPER)
· "For a brief, mad, moment I had a flicker of a thought that the mundane inanity of the sordid and petty imperatives imposed on Larry and Ricki might be some Samuel Beckett-style commentary on the existential void. Then I realized that watching the movie put me closer to the existential void than they ever were." - Nell Minow, (MOVIE MOM)
Gigli [Rotten Tomatoes]

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 08/05/03 11:52AM

[Gawker stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Send sightings to tips@gawker.com or leave in the comments field below.]
· [Yesterday] morning, around quarter to ten, entering the 4 Times Square lobby from the 43rd Street side (indicating likely usage of Town Car, as opposed to public, transport), wearing a nice dark suit with a white shirt and no tie, James Truman. I want to meet his tailor. Also, last week, in the mid-afternoon, in the otherwise empty elevator lobby, Graydon Carter, projecting an even more impressive presence than I had expected that he would. Not even being into the First Room myself, I tried to avoid eye contact or sudden movements.
· I sat next to Stanley Tucci and Edie Falco and her dog, Marley (sp?) at Duryea's restaurant in Montauk over an alfresco lunch on Saturday. They ate clams and lobster rolls and lobster as they sat on the dock/porch that overlooks the water. They looked summery: She in a cute sundress and he in a striped sailor shirt and shorts. No one approached them other than to pet Marley.

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 08/05/03 11:39AM

· A Colombian businessman threatens a member of P. Diddy's entourage: "I will make slippers out of you!" [Page Six]
· The Harvey Milk HS for gay, lesbian and transgendered students eliminated single-sex bathrooms to get around the problem of where the gender-benders should go. [Page Six]
· The Famous Jonathan Van Gieson (not surprisingly) makes a gossip column appearance: "'Buddy' Cianci, The Musical,' Jonathan Van Gieson's tribute to the Rhode Island rogue, has its premiere Saturday at the NYC International Fringe Festival at the La Tea Theater on Suffolk St. Trouble is, Cianci is serving 64 months at the Federal Correctional Center at Fort Dix, N.J., after being convicted on corruption charges last year. So far, Fort Dix officials have not responded to Van Gieson's request to grant Cianci a day pass to see the show, which features such Cianci-inspired songs as 'The A— You Have to Kiss Today.'" [NY Daily News]

Gigli: the bad review roundup

Gawker · 08/05/03 10:04AM

This is a slight violation of the "No J-Lo Policy" but there seems to be quite a lot of demand for it. The bad review roundup for J-Lo/Ben Affleck's new bomb of a film, Gigli:

Vicent Gallo chocolat

Gawker · 08/05/03 09:37AM

I haven't antagonized actor Vincent Gallo in at least a week...so it's that time again! A gracious reader has gifted me with a press packet from a company called Vosges Chocolate that sells "Vincent Gallo chocolat." The promotional copy is so good it doesn't need any commentary. Some excerpts:

Rocco's restaurant

Gawker · 08/05/03 09:12AM

NY Mag's Jada Yuan asks foodies what they think of Rocco DiSpirito's reality show, The Restaurant: Some sour grapes from Didier Virot, chef at Aix: "He has a big ego! For the food industry, I think it is a boring show. Honestly, I prefer to see a good movie on food like Babette's Feast or Big Night. Those give you a better idea of life in the kitchen."
The Restaurant [NY Mag]

More mob articles

Gawker · 08/04/03 04:07PM

It's almost like one journalist at every major media publication conspired to write a story in a seemingly spontaneous collective effort... [Ed.propogated, perhaps, by a series of anonymous email forwards. "On August 4th, at approximately 7:21 AM, participants will publish an article about the mob project..."]
Flash mobs spread to Europe [CNN]
It's like fight club [Guardian]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 08/04/03 04:00PM

· Conde Nast CEO Steve Florio's brother Michael is a patriotic Christian country singer. "When I play," he says, "It's just me, the acoustic guitar and God." [NY Daily News]
· Prince Harry's favorite pick-up line: "Do you want to come back to my palace for a drink?" [Page Six*]
· Paris Hilton was offered a part on "That 70s Show". [Page Six]
· Lotus owner David Rabin bans Republicans from his club. [Page Six]
*Requisite disclosure: I'm freelancing here today.

Heathcliff Felix Alistair Euan Rellie

Gawker · 08/04/03 03:12PM

Brit socialites-in-New York Lucy Sykes and Euan Rellie explain to the Marie Claire staff (her employers) their rationale for giving their newly arrived son a name that may make him a target for gratuitous violence on the average American playground: