Matthew Freud (English uber-flack, married to Elisabeth Murdoch, nephew of Lucian Freud, great grandson of Sigmund Freud) on where he stays in New York: "For business: Soho House in New York. I loathe New York because it's not
home, but Soho House is. You don't hear an American accent when you're there and you don't meet anyone not from Notting Hill, which is where I live. The danger when you travel for business for not very long is to have fun. There is a lot of temptation in Soho House and you have to try hard to resist. I went there with my daughter onceshe's two and a half. She didn't sleep on the plane so I tucked her up in bed and went to the bar, where I got on the wrong side of four martinis. I returned at 2:30 AM. At 2:35 AM she work up and stayed up. I'm not sure my clients got their money's worth that day." C'mon Matthew. From that description I'm not sure you've even been to Soho House. Only 15% of the membership is British and you "don't hear an American accent?" Unless Liev Schreiber's still in Henry V mode (Wilt thou bring me another martini, good sir?) I'm pretty sure most of the accents there are American. And the "temptations of Soho House?" I like the bar myself, but it's a bar; not an orgy.
[Management Today]