Rotten Tomatoes has the definitive collection of bad "Gigli" reviews. (99 rotten tomatoes out of 107, if you're wondering.) Some excerpts:
· "Gigli is so horrible I had to go cleanse my palate afterward by
watching Glitter." Danny Minton, KBTV-NBC (BEAUMONT, TX)
· "Such an utter wreck of a movie you expect to see it lying on its side somewhere in rural Pennsylvania, with a small gang of engineers circling and a wisp of smoke rising from the caboose." - Stephen Whitty, (NEWARK STAR-LEDGER)
· "One of the worst movies I've ever seen." - Richard Roeper, (EBERT & ROEPER)
· "For a brief, mad, moment I had a flicker of a thought that the mundane inanity of the sordid and petty imperatives imposed on Larry and Ricki might be some Samuel Beckett-style commentary on the existential void. Then I realized that watching the movie put me closer to the existential void than they ever were." - Nell Minow, (MOVIE MOM)
Gigli [Rotten Tomatoes]