· A Colombian businessman threatens a member of P. Diddy's entourage: "I will make slippers out of you!" [Page Six]
· The Harvey Milk HS for gay, lesbian and transgendered students eliminated single-sex bathrooms to get around the problem of where the gender-benders should go. [Page Six]
· The Famous Jonathan Van Gieson (not surprisingly) makes a gossip column appearance: "'Buddy' Cianci, The Musical,' Jonathan Van Gieson's tribute to the Rhode Island rogue, has its premiere Saturday at the NYC International Fringe Festival at the La Tea Theater on Suffolk St. Trouble is, Cianci is serving 64 months at the Federal Correctional Center at Fort Dix, N.J., after being convicted on corruption charges last year. So far, Fort Dix officials have not responded to Van Gieson's request to grant Cianci a day pass to see the show, which features such Cianci-inspired songs as 'The A— You Have to Kiss Today.'" [NY Daily News]