I haven't antagonized actor Vincent Gallo in at least a week...so it's that time again! A gracious reader has gifted me with a press packet from a company called Vosges Chocolate that sells "Vincent Gallo chocolat." The promotional copy is so good it doesn't need any commentary. Some excerpts:

"Inspiration comes to Chic Chocolatier Katrina Markoff through many mediums...this inspiration came to her from an experience with art, or rather, an artist, Vincent Gallo.

If you have had the opportunity to see a Vincent Gallo film, to listen to his music or to see his art you would know his measure...

Though, how does one go about translating Vincent Gallo into a chocolate? An artist such as he is quite difficult to simplify into any one element or ingredient. With Gallo, it was sure to be a complex undertaking. The chocolate piece must be quite contradictory, a piece that may not be understood by all palates, as well it should not..."
Vosges chocolate