I wasn't going to post anymore about this, but now I realize that I really, really must. From the press release:

"a guided tasting of Vincent Gallo version chocolat
1. Close your eyes.
2. Take three deep, deep breaths.
3. Start from the top. Bite into the crowning tip of the chocolate. Hold the chocolate on your tongue and press it to the top of your mouth. Feel it melt bittersweetly around your tongue. Begin to eat and you will sense a touch of Taleggio and a nuance for vanilla. Flirt with your newfound acquaintance.
4. Intrigue follows with the 2nd bite, it brings you deeper into the parfums, a heavy and rich texture dotted with toasted walnuts, the aroma steeped with a thousand complexities, yet there is harmony. As the salt hits the palatte it meets the sweetness of chocolate, one constantly begging for the other to be complete.
5. The 3rd bite is met with clarity. The profusion of flavors wrapped and intertwined come together to make sense. You are submerged deeply in a a moment of 'now.' With this last bite, all you crave is just one more."