
Blogorrhea NYC: Martha, Rupert, and The Rev

Jesse · 06/28/05 03:57PM

• Last night was the first reading of Martha! The Unauthorized Musical, which featured "a lot of good things" and songs that "take pot shots at Enron executives, the SEC, New Jersey, Connecticut and a number of races and religions." [NewYorkology]
• In New York, you're never too young to be a media critic. [Tales of the Cupcake Mafia via FishbowlNY]
• Getting tired of Lindsay Lohan? The Politicker nominates Al Sharpton — and how could you be tired of him?) as her replacement. [The Politicker]

To Do: Annie, Washingtonienne, or HRH Pat Benatar

Jessica · 06/28/05 03:10PM

• Shove your mouth full of chewing gum and head to the ever-hip Hiro Ballroom to check out Scandinavian pop queen Annie. An early survey of Gays suggests that she may be the heir to Kylie Minogue's throne. [flavorpill]
• It's okay, we know you secretly want to get your tits signed by Washingtonienne author Jessica Cutler. Get to Barnes & Noble tonight and live the dream. [Upcoming]
• What are we talking about? Obviously there's only one thing to do tonight, and it involves a little lady named Pat Benatar. Lucky for you, current fashion trends perfectly compliment with Benatar's style. [BB King]

Google Can Be So Cruel

Jessica · 06/28/05 11:44AM

No, that is NOT what we meant. We would never say such a thing! Shame on you, Googlebots.

Gossip Roundup: Eve Asserts Relevancy Through Time-Honored Sex Tape Tradition

Jessica · 06/28/05 11:10AM

• Rap diva Eve is none too pleased about the internet leak of an old sex tape — which we saw here (thanks to the perv next door, all so NSFW), but didn't mention because, really, who cares about Eve? Well, maybe you do now, pervs. [R&M]
• Once Russell Crowe's phone finished attacking a Mercer Hotel employee, his vase jumped in on the action. That poor guy just can't catch a peaceful tchotchke. [Page Six]
• Of course Angelina Jolie is carrying Brad Pitt's lovechild. We're just surprised it took this long for the finger-pointing. [Page Six]
• Did VP Dick Cheney receive cardiac treatment in Colorado, or is Arianna Huffington guilty of wishful thinking? [Lowdown]

Time for Artforum to Recognize Rosie

Jessica · 06/28/05 10:44AM

When you feel like your favorite celebrities' lives are spinning out of control and you're looking for something to hold on to, something with meaning, do what our favorite celebublogger Rosie O'Donnell does and turn to art.

Blind Item Results: You Step Up Your Game

Jessica · 06/28/05 10:11AM

You, precious reader, make us damn proud. Yep, we're being sincere. Yesterday we posted some tough blind items but, by the day's end, we'd yet to receive enough of a response to run your guesses. And so, from deep within the bleak cloud of our resulting depression, we scolded you for not being more proactive. Regrettably, we were a bit angry with you, going so far as to demand more reader interaction before we'd even consider revealing the suggested answers. We were cruel, cold, and unkind.

NYC2012, Helping You Watch the Olympics on TV

Jesse · 06/28/05 09:50AM

Only eight days left till the host city is chosen for the 2012 Olympics, and the NYC bid committee wants to make sure no one here at home is left out of the fun while the final presentations are being made in Asia next Wednesday night.

What's on Your Nightstand, Tom Cruise?

Jesse · 06/28/05 09:40AM

You've seen the book countless times — during commercials on daytime TV when you stayed home from school as a kid, in enormous displays in weird bookstores, alongside the strange people offering free stress tests as you change from the N/R to the 2/3 in the Times Square subway station. You know it spawned a religion. You know it turned Tom Cruise crazy. But have you ever actually read L. Ron Hubbard's masterpiece, Dianetics? Of course not. So in our current Scientology-infused era, Salon's Laura Miller gamely took one for the team.

Save CBGB, One Shin Splint at a Time

Jessica · 06/28/05 09:23AM

Have you made plans for July 20 yet? If you were considering participating in the Central Park Run to Save CBGBs (sponsored by Nike, oddly enough), you might want to save your energy for something more effective:

Yes, We're Talkin' to You

Jesse · 06/28/05 08:25AM

The New Yorker's Ben McGrath checks in with cabdrivers for this week's issue, and he reports that cabbies would prefer that you not:

Awesomely Bad Press Release of the Day

Jessica · 06/28/05 07:21AM

Despite our constant berating, a few publicists continue to send us press releases — gluttons for punishment, perhaps? Fine by us; something's gotta line the litterbox, after all. Plus those releases keep us in the know. But in the past 24 hours we've received one press release so inscrutable, so sicable, that we have to sit back in awe and admire the mad genius. We're reprinting the following example word for word, typo for typo, ellipses for ellipses:

Remainders: We're Going to Make You Earn These Blind Items

Jessica · 06/27/05 05:55PM

• You complain if they're too easy, but if they're too hard you just wuss out. Because your silence is deafening, we're not running your guesses to today's blind items until you put on your goddamn thinking caps and get creative. So there!
• The Gaydar debate prances along. [NYT]
• Oh, the beautiful colors: The Gay Pride parade and its shiny, Coney Island sister. [Flickr]
• Everyone owes Oprah an apology. [Mr. Sun]
• An overly intellectual analysis of poop and its artistic qualities. [n+1]

To Do: Madlib, Ted Leo, or Stella

Jessica · 06/27/05 03:30PM

• Multi-talented, multi-named rapper/producer Madlib headlines the Stones Throw Records Tour at Irving Plaza tonight. Time to cast aside your self-imposed ban on marijuana, stoner. [flavorpill]
• Ted Leo and his merry band of Pharmacists make their way to indie enclave Maxwell's in Hoboken tonight. Stop complaining about the distance—it's just as far as Brooklyn. [Upcoming]
• We're not quite sure how the new Michael Ian Black comedy vehicle Stella will fare in its censored form on Comedy Central, but you can see for yourself tonight at Anthology Film Archives, which hosts a screening as well as a Q and A with the cast. [Stella]

A New Week, a New Stadium

Jesse · 06/27/05 02:39PM

Remarkably, there was no new news all week last week about new stadiums in New York City. But the NYC2012 people are making sure that this week won't be left similarly stadiumless. Exciting, yes? Um, no.

They Thought Jesus Was a Nutcase, Too

Jessica · 06/27/05 01:03PM

In honor of Tom Cruise's burgeoning retardation, Salon has published the first of a four-part series on Scientology's rising star. As it turns out, Tom Cruise is not reacting to the madness that comes from years of repression — rather, he's just happy about his climb up the Scientology ladder: