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You, precious reader, make us damn proud. Yep, we're being sincere. Yesterday we posted some tough blind items but, by the day's end, we'd yet to receive enough of a response to run your guesses. And so, from deep within the bleak cloud of our resulting depression, we scolded you for not being more proactive. Regrettably, we were a bit angry with you, going so far as to demand more reader interaction before we'd even consider revealing the suggested answers. We were cruel, cold, and unkind.

But, oh, how you rose the occasion! The resulting response brought tears to our eyes! (Or it could just be a dirty contact lens.) After the jump, the greatest outpouring of blind item love known to man.

Which married man is coping with the pressures of doing a daily talk show with the help of different masseuses? The comely therapists visit his hotel room almost every day.
You said: Tony Danza, "a dirty little poindexter" by a landslide. Some of you noted that he tapes in NYC during the week and returns to LA to spend the weekends with his family, thus explaining the hotel detail. Many of you also guessed Jon Stewart, which pretty much broke our hearts. We simply refuse to believe it; if he weren't a mensch, the universe would implode! Other random, implausible names: Montel Williams, Matt Lauer, and Tucker Carlson. (Many of you believed the latter name would have a thing for a more masculine massage therapist.) And then there was the one reader who guessed Regis, which made us shudder and blackout.

Which financier with friends in the movie biz has his huge Hamptons mansion equipped with spy cams? One of his Tinseltown pals insisted his girlfriend change in the closet during a recent visit to avoid being videotaped.
You said: Well, one of you said Steve Bing looked like he had "fetal alcohol syndrome," but that doesn't really have much to do with this item. Ted Forstmann was another random guess, and a few of you gave Ron Perelman a shout-out. For the most part, however, you don't care. Why not? Rich people and paranoia always make for good times!

Which iconic fashion designer likes to be called Trixie when he dresses up in drag?
You said: Which designer doesn't?! Most guesses were for Calvin Klein (rumored to have fancied about the Mercer Hotel in drag), but some of you thought that Karl Lagerfeld's ubiquitous fan was a total Trixie giveaway. A few random votes went to Isaac Mizrahi, but we suspect he's too busy running around Target and hasn't the time for a thoughtful drag venture.