
Zoe Alexander Out At 'Life And Style'?

Jessica · 03/30/05 03:25PM

Say it ain't so: we're hearing that Zoe Alexander, the Diva Who Dines and editor-at-large for Life & Style, has been relieved of her stylish, lifelike duties at the weekly publication. Mais non!

Promotional Media Freebie Report: Wenner Wants Candy

Jessica · 03/28/05 09:30AM

If there's one thing everyone in the wholewideworld can agree on, it's that working at a magazine leads to lots of shiny, free stuff. And if you were envious of beauty editors bathing in complimentary "samples" of La Mer (oh, honey, you KNOW they do), take a look at what the lucky kids from Wenner Media get: Heidi Klum's new candy! Last week, Mrs. Seal headed to midtown to promote her new book and candy, Heidi's Fruit Flirtations — which, according to the "hand-written" note on the back of the package, are her favorite candy from Germany (fat-free, of course). We hear Janice Min likes the strawberry flavor, which features a cute kissy-face design.

From The Creator of 'Hip Clicks': 'The O.C.' Decoder Ring

Haber · 03/25/05 09:21AM

Hey, we're as pop culture savvy as the next guy, but some references even slip by us. Sometimes while we're watching The O.C. (it's a pleasure, minus the guilt, thank you very much), the in-jokes and allusions are so fast and so obscure that you need a Best of Bread R. Crumb trail (get it?) to figure it out.

Atoosa Rubenstein, I Will Buy You A Sweater

Jessica · 03/23/05 04:55PM

Don't ask why I was at Michael's today; just know that I was the youngest lady there by, say, 400 years. And, as a young lady, I have a moral responsibility to comment on Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's outfit. So I'm going to break it down here for a second, with this heartfelt message from me to the 'Toos:

Camera Obscura

Haber · 03/23/05 09:12AM

In today's New York Observer 'Off the Record' column, Gabriel Sherman reports on new Esquire design director David Curcurito (second item):