Say it ain't so: we're hearing that Zoe Alexander, the Diva Who Dines and editor-at-large for Life & Style, has been relieved of her stylish, lifelike duties at the weekly publication. Mais non!

Is this true? And, if so, could her dismissal be in response to the pimping out of her own content? Or had she not yet mastered the necessary US Weekly imitations? Maybe she failed to solicit enough publicist-friendly analyses of Nick and Jessica. So many questions; this diva refuses to dine until the truth is revealed — which it will be, we're sure, via a long-winded and unsolicited email from the Diva herself.

Update: We've been informed that Zoe is actually in and out of the hospital with pneumonia. It was her decision to leave the magazine because of health reasons. Divas, you best be sending flowers.