File under, Oh, Those Amazing College Kids:

A well-aimed pie tin filled with goop delayed, but failed to derail, an otherwise civil dialogue on U.S. foreign policy at Earlham Tuesday evening.

Neoconservative journalist and commentator William Kristol was about 30 minutes into his speech on international affairs when a slender young man crossed the stage of Goddard Auditorium and slung the ersatz pastry into his face.

Kristol appeared momentarily stunned, then wiped the brown and white goo from his eyes with a paper towel, stepped back to the podium and said, "Let me just finish this point."

Memo to David Brooks: You might want to cancel public appearances from here on out. Especially in the pie-ble belt.

Speaker takes a pie in the face [Palladium-Item]

Earlier: The Ann Coulter Pie Video